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Tache: Réécris cette présentation (d'un inconnu) en utilisant la
3 personne du singulier du présent simple.
Hello! I'm Gaspard Martin, I was born on February 27th 2004,
so I'm 15... I was born in London but now I live in New York.
I've two brothers, Marc 17 and Jessy 19, As you can see I've
brown hair and blue and round eyes, I'm tall but shy. I love
wearing sneakers. I often go to Los Angeles because my father
lives and works there. He is American. I love this place. I take
the best of my both cultures: English and American, I love
American burgers. I like basketball, I sometimes play with my
brothers but unfortunately, I'm not a good player. I'm fond of
Kobe Bryant, he is amazing. I also like playing video games on
my computer. I follow some English youtubers as "Ray
Williams Jolmson" or "Comedy shorts gamer". Later I would
love to be famous as them. I am very happy this year to be a
new school. I love it! My teachers are very nice. I also have a lot
of new good friends, I love English and Biology. My Spanish
teacher is my favorite. Now at school, I never get angy, I'm
patient. Later I would love to become an architect. I'm not
afraid of anything!
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