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ex1) Complete the sentences. Use l/she was etc. or wo/they were etc. 1 Liz worked very late last night. 2 Jack lost his job yesterday She was tired. angry 3 We laughed a lot at last night's film. very funny. wet and cold. 4 Joe and Sam fell into the river yesterday 5 Yesterday was a beautiful day. sunny. really frightened. 6 We saw a horror film last Saturday. 7 David and Sue didn't have anything to eat yesterday hungry. 8 I had a wonderful holiday last year happy.
ex2) Where were you at these times? Use I was atin+ a place. I was at the swimming pool.. at 6.30 yesterday morning last Saturday at 7 o'clock yesterday evening last Tuesday afternoon. at midnight last night. at 1 o'clock yesterday. ten minutes ago. MAX No, she wasn't BETH: 2 ELSA James and Ruth had an oral examination yesterday ELSA
ex3) Write questions with was/were the words in brackets (), and give short answers. 1 MAX My grandmother died in 1976. OSCAR: Was she very old? (old) 7(difficult) No 3 SALLY. I had a little red sports car in 1993. ?(fast) SALLY Yes. TONY 4. DAVE: Mike got some tickets for the World Cup. ? (expensive) DAVE No. 5 ALAN: I didn't like school when I was young ? (lazy) KATE ALAN No. SUB 6 BEN Julia wasn't at work yesterday. ? (ill) MARK: BEN Yes, 7 RUTH: My grandfather met the comedians Laurel and Hardy in 1950. ? (famous) RUTH: TOM Yes, 12
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