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The right border of the stomach is formed by:
A. Lesser curvature
B. Greater curvature
C. Cardiac notch
D. Incisura angularis
2. The following are tributaries of portal vein except:
A. Splenic Vein
B. Inferior Mesenteric Vein
C. Hepatic Vein
D. Superior Mesenteric Vein
3. Which part of the duodenum has major and minor duodenal papillae on the medial aspect?
A. Superior/15 part
B. Descending/2 part
C. Horizontal/3 part
D. Ascending/4th part
4. The mucus membrane that formed circular folds in the small intestine is known as:
A. Rugae
B. Plicae circularis
C. Tunica circularis
D. Tenia circularis
5. Which of the following does not involve in the formation of the Tenia coli?
A. Enteric tenia
B. Omental tenia
C. Free tenia
D. Mesocolic tenia
6. The blind-ended structure that contains large amount of lymphoid tissue and attach to the
postero-medial aspect of the cecum is
A. Appendix
B. Ascending colon
C. Haustra
D. Ileo-cecal
7. Which of the following is the longest part of the large intestine?
A. Ascending colon
B. Transverse colon
C. Descending colon
D. Sigmoid colon
8. Ascending colon is located in which side?
A. Right side
B. Left side
C. Midline
D. Umbilical region
9.The main branches of the celiac artery include the following except?
A. Right gastric artery
B. Left gastric artery
C. Common hepatic artery
D. Splenic artery
10. Superficial inguinal ring is formed by the aponeurosis of:
A. Rectus abdominus
B. External oblique
C. Internal oblique
D. Transversalis fascia-
11. Inguinal canal is located superior and parallel to.......
A. Anterior superior iliac spine
B. Inguinal ligament
C. Pelvic inlet
D. Pelvic outlet
12. The only structure that passes through the inguinal canal in female is...
A. Round ligament of the uterus
B. Pubic symphysis
C. Urinary bladder
D. Tunica vaginalis
13. Choose odd about the formation of the walls of inguinal canal
A. Anterior: Aponeurosis of external oblique
B. Posterior: Fascia transversalis
C. Inferior/(the floor): Inguinal ligament
D. Superior/(the roof): Crura
14. External spermatic fascia of the concentric layers of spermatic cord is derived from:
A. External oblique aponeurosis
B. Rectus abdominus
C. Internal oblique aponeurosis
D. Fascia transversalis
15. The muscle that replace the fatty layer of the superficial fascia in the scrotum is called:
A. Albugenia muscle
B. Dartos muscle
C. Linea alba
D. Psoas minor
16. Mc Burney's point is located in the:
A. Left iliac region
B. Right iliac region

B. Superior mesenteric artery

C. Inferior mesenteric artery

D. Thoracic aorta

20. Right colic artery supply:

A. Ascending colon

B. Descending coloni

C. Sigmoid colon

D. Transverse colon

C. Hypogastric region
D. Pubic region
17. Which of the following is not retroperiton
A. Duodenum
B. Kidneys
C. Liver
D. Adrenal glands
18. The portal systemic anastomosis at the lower end of esophagus is formed by:
A. Right gastric vein and short gastric vein
B. Left gastric vein and esophageal vein
C. Celiac vein and celiac artery
D. Right epiploic vein and artery
19. Blood supply to the developed 'hindgut' is from:
A. Celiac artery
21. One of the following is correct about the ribs
a) All true ribs are typical ribs
b) All atypical ribs are false ribs
c) All typical ribs are false ribs
d) All atypical ribs are true ribs
e) 15 rib is both true and atypical
22. The following form the boundary of the upper thoracic aperture except
The manubrium
b) The clavicles
The first pair of ribs
The first thoracic vertebra
e) The first pair of costal cartilages
23. The following form the boundaries of the mediastinum except
a) The mediastinal pleura
b)The diaphragmatic pleura
The sternum
The central tendon of the diaphragm
The thoracic vertebrae