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Est ce que quelqu'un peut me transformer l'histoire racontée par le point de vue d'un d'un des enfant de l'histoire merci d'avance:The children of Lir Once upon a time, there was a King called Lir, his wife the Queen and their four children Fionnula, Aodh, Fiachra and Conn. When the children were young, the Queen died and they were heartbroken. King Lir decided that it was important for his children to have a new mother so he married the Queen's sister, Aoife, who possessed magical powers. Aoife was very beautiful but she was mean and she didn't love the children. She was jealous of the love of King Lir for his children so she decided to eliminate them. The children loved to play by a lake near the castle. One day, Aoife accompanied them. Suddenly she used her magical powers. There was a flash and the children disappeared. In their places, there were four beautiful white swans. The children were very frightened. "You will be swans for 900 years" said Aoife, "only the sound of a church bell can break my spell". The King was very worried when his children didn't return to the castle that night. He went to the lake to look for them. When he arrived, he noticed the four swans. To his surprise, they started to speak! "Father! Father!" they cried, "We are your children! Aoife has put a terrible spell on us!". When Aolfe refused to change the children back, King Lir banished her from the kingdom. King Lir spent the rest of his life with the swans. When he died, the swans stopped talking and singing and they were alone. One day, they heard the sound of a church bell. It was St Patrick! Suddenly, they started to change back. They were not children anymore but very old people. They put their arms around each other and died.​

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