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Quelqu'un pourrait-il me traduire ce texte? merci

Leonardo DiCprio est né le 11 novembre 1974 à Hollywood, aux USA. Il apparaît pour la première fois à la télévision à l'âge de 13 ans. Il devient une star mondiale en jouant dans Roméo et Juliette et surtout dans le film le Titanic. L'acteur joue dans de nombreux films (La plage, Arrêt-moi si tu peux, Aviator, Djongo Unchainet, The Revenant …..
Il obtient de nombreux oscars et devient alors très populaire et particulièrement apprécié du public.
Leonardo est un acteur assez discret sur sa vie privée, nous n'avons jamais trop entendu de scoop à son propos.
L'acteur donne une bonne image de lui avec sa fondation dont le but est de préserver l'environnement. L'acteur américain est très engagé dans la protection de l'environnement. Il a fait de nombreux dons et mené de grandes campagnes. En 2007, il organise une vente aux enchères à New-York. Cette vente a permis de récolter 30 millions de dollars. Ces dons ont permis l'accès à l'eau potable et la préservation des habitats de la faune et de la flore dans divers endroits de l'Afrique.

Sagot :

Leonardo di caprio is born november 11 1974 in Hollywood in the USA. He appears for the first time on tv at the age of 13. He becomes famous worldwide  by playing in Romeo and Juliette and especially in the movie Titanic. The actor plays in many movies such as (....)
He collects  numerous oscars and becomes very popular as well as really appreciated by the audience/public. Leonardo is very direct on his private life, we have never heard of many scoops towards  his subject.
The actor gives himself a good image with his foundation which targets the preservation of the environment. The american actor is very engaged in the protection of the environment. He has donated many times and he has run big campaigns. In 2007, he organizes an auction in NEw York. This auction has collected  30 million dollars . These donations gave access to drinkable water  and the preservation of habitats in diverse areas in Africa. :)
Leonardo DiCaprio was born the 11th November 1974 in Hollywood, in the United States. He appears for the first time on television at the age of 13. He becomes a world star by playing in Romeo and Juliette and mostly in the film the Titanic. The actor plays in many new films ( The Beach, Stop me if you can, Aviator, Djongo Unchained, the Revenant...). He also obtains many Oscars and then become very popular and particularly appreciated by the public. Leonardo is rather discreet about his personal life, we have never heard a scoop about him. The actor gives a good image of himself with his foundation whose goal is to preserve the environment. The American actor is very engaged in the protection of the environment. He has given a lot of donations and made a lot of big campains.