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I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. Briefly, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. Then, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. Moreover, they can be fictional like Superman, Batman, or real like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Angela Davis. To speak about this notion, I've chosen to speak of the Kary graphic novel, write by Amruta Patil. And we can see, if the book exemplify the notion.
I : From a first point, we can see if Kary, the main character in the story, is considered like a hero. In reality, Kary is a anti-hero, that is to say has characteristics opposite to that of a conventional hero. But, in my opinion, the anti-hero are considered like a hero thus Kary its a Hero. (.. Justifier qu'elle est un hero -> Hero = anti-hero ) So, Kary its a androgynous person that live in a smog city, more precisely in a crystal place with other people like Billo, Vicky, Delna and Orgo. So we can think like Kary it's a socicial girl, but on the beginning, she tried to commit suicide with Ruth, her love, and after the commit, she was saved by a sewar. So, we can speak, with her act, that Kary its a dark and melancholic girl more that social girl.
II : From a second point, we can see references to the Greek myths more precisally with Charon. He is the ferryman of the hell, Kingdom of Hades. Furthermore, Charon is the son of Erebus (wich means Gloom) and Nyx (Night). He carries souls across the Styx, also called Acheron. It is the river wich divide the world of the living and the world of the dead. But to pass you have to pay the fee to Charon (that's why greeks were inhumated with a corner on their eyes). And the one who didn't pay will wander the shores for 100 years.I have noted a lot of direct references to Charon, for example such as p. 31“ The day of the double suicide I promised the water I'd return her favour” It's a reference to the Styx that Charon cross. So, I think that she wants to say that even if she did not die the day of the failed double suicide, she will go back on the shore of the Styx, meet Charon again, and cross the river. There is also another greek mythology reference : Angel's cat is named Polydeuces(Pollux in French) he is the son of Zeus and Léda.
In conclusion, we can say that Kary book, exemplify this notion because Kary its a hero and this book about of greek myths. (...Rajouter quelque chose à la conclusion)
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