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Correction oral anglais Mythes et héros

dans quelques jours je vais passer un oral blanc d'anglais sur Mythes et héros; je l'ai rédigé mais , comme je fais beaucoup de fautes même si je me relis , j'aimerais bien un petit coup de pouce (si quelqu'un a le temps ).
Merci d'avance à toute personne qui accepterait de me corriger ,ce serait super sympa.
Myths and heroes
I will speak about the notion of myths and heroes threw the Lord of the Rings . We can notice various heroes in this novel but I’ve chosen to focuse on Sam’s character . We can wonder in which way Sam is he a hero . First we will see Sam’s qualities and then how thanks to his qualities Sam becomes a hero .
1.First of all in document 1, although Sam only says 1 sentence ,we can see he is helpful and faithful to Frodo . Indeed he refuses to let him alone in this quest as is evidenced l.13 :”But you won’t send him off alone surely.” He is ready to follow Frodo even if he is terrified by the quest as is noticed in document 2 l.7 :”And after all he never had any real hope in this affair from the beginning” and even if he would have preferred to stay in Shire because hobbits are stay-at-home . In fact Sam displays all the qualities of a good servant: -first he respects and serves Frodo
-secondly he is very competent
-thirdly he is always taking care of material things
-finally he protects his master .
Frodo wouldn't have gotten very far without Sam
He shows us the pure meaning of friendship and true courage .Indeed because he is convinced that he has to be with Frodo until the end, he follows his friend though he is not concerned at all by the quest :
- he isn’t the ring bearer
-he hasn’t sworn anything to Frodo.
The only reason why he takes part of the quest he as a friend and a servant of Frodo . He is disinterested .Thus we can see Sam has the sense of duty.
In document 3 we can see Sam is realistic ,down to hearth and humble. He recognizes he can’t become a powerful person as is proved l.11 :”He knew in the core of his heart that he wasn’t large enough to bear such a burden (….)
2.Now we are going to see why Sam can be considered as a hero with document 3 .The lord of the Rings is a novel dealing with the renunciation of power . This extract shows us Sam is able to reject the temptation of the Ring . this temptation lets him 2 choices :
- to abstain from using the Ring
- or to keep it and become “Samwise the Strong , Hero of the Age (….)” .
However thanks to his humility and his affection for Frodo ,Sam isn’t corrupt by the Ring. He isn’t interested at all in power that’s why the Ring has no control on him . The only ambition of Sam is a small garden as we can from l.11 to 14 . As a consequence Sam is the perfect example of renouncing power .
Sam is also the main character of the Lord of the Rings since he is the person who illustrate the most the topic of the novel .
In a letter to Milton Waldman (so-called Letter 131), Tolkien makes mention of Sam being the "chief hero" of the story [1]:”I think the simple 'rustic' love of Sam and his Rosie (nowhere elaborated) is absolutely essential to the study of his (the chief hero's) character, and to the theme of the relation of ordinary life (breathing, eating, working, begetting) and quests, sacrifice, causes, and the 'longing for Elves', and sheer beauty heroicy .”
To conclude Sam is a hero not only thanks to hi s qualities but also because he his the main character of the novel . We know that Tolkien get inspired by the soldier of the first world war who are heroes as they offered their life to save population and country.

Sagot :

I will speak about the notion of myths and heroes using the novel "the Lord of the Rings." We can notice various heroes in this novel but I’ve chosen to focus on Sam’s character . We can ask ourselves why Sam is considered  a hero . We will look at Sam’s qualities and then how thanks to his qualities he is then considered a hero .
1.(no need numbering) First of all in document 1, although Sam only says 1(avoid writing figures) sentence ,we can see he is helpful and faithful to Frodo . Indeed he refuses to leave him alone in this quest as is evidenced l.13 :”But you won’t send him off alone surely.” He is ready to follow Frodo even if he is terrified by the quest as is noticed in document 2 l.7 :”And after all he never had any real hope in this affair from the beginning” (is this reported speech?) and he would have preferred to stay in Shire because hobbits are stay-at-home beings . In fact Sam displays all the qualities of a good servant : -first he respects and serves Frodo
-secondly he is very competent
-thirdly he is always taking care of material things
-finally he protects his master. (it's best you put this in a sentence)  Sam portrays all the good qualities of a good servant as he respects and serves Frodo, takes care of the material things and he also protects his master. 
Frodo wouldn't have gotten very far without Sam.He shows us the pure meaning of friendship and true courage indeed. He is convinced that he has to be with Frodo until the end and he follows his friend though he is not concerned at all by the quest as he isn’t the ring bearer or hasn’t sworn anything to Frodo.
The only reason why he takes part in the quest, is because he is a friend and a servant of Frodo . He is disinterested .Thus we can see Sam has the sense of duty.
In document 3 we can see that Sam is realistic,down to earth and humble. He recognizes he can’t become a powerful person as is proved l.11 :”He knew in the core of his heart that he wasn’t large enough to bear such a burden (….)(is this reported speech? if so, use quotation marks)
2.(don't number your paragraphs)Now we are going to see why Sam can be considered as a hero with the help of document 3 .The lord of the Rings is a novel dealing with the renunciation of power .This extract shows us that Sam is able to reject the temptation of the Ring . The temptation leaves him two choices either to abstain from using the Ring or to keep it and become “Samwise the Strong , Hero of the Age (….)” . Thanks to his humility and his affection for Frodo,Sam isn’t corrupted by the Ring. He isn’t interested at all in power that’s why the Ring has no control on him . The only ambition Sam has is to have a small garden as we can see from l.11 to 14 . As a consequence of his character, Sam is the perfect example of renouncing power .
Sam is also the main character of the Lord of the Rings since he is the person who illustrates most the topic of the novel .
In a letter to Milton Waldman (so-called Letter 131), Tolkien makes mention of Sam being the "chief hero" of the story [1]:”I think the simple 'rustic' love of Sam and his Rosie (nowhere elaborated) is absolutely essential to the study of his (the chief hero's) character, and to the theme of the relation of ordinary life (breathing, eating, working, begetting) and quests, sacrifice, causes, and the 'longing for Elves', and sheer beauty heroicy .”
To conclude Sam is a hero thanks to his qualities and he out-rightly gets to be the main character of the novel . We know that Tolkien got inspired by the soldiers of the first world war who were heroes as they offered their lives to save the population and country.

hint to corrections

Bold= corrections.(including spelling corrections)

Brackets= corrections and suggestions

underlined= sentence not making sence