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Sagot :
notion I’m going to deal with is The idea
of progress. The(remove) progress is a development or an advancement.
To discuss this notion I choose to talk about India. In fact,(remove) it’s ; a country which(that) is changing and progress(ing)
rapidly . I fell(felt) India
illustrates well the(this) notion
because it’s a country which is modernizing in spite of some old traditions and
it’s why we can wonder « If today’s India is indeed a modern country »
First we’re going to see that there is still a lot of inequalities (in the midst of
its modernization).
We can say that india isn't a modern country
because a lot of discriminations and
inequalities(that have) persist(ed) in this
country. There is huge inequality between man and woman(men and women). We can illustrated this with the help of the document(documentary?) « The dowry tradition » (use quotation
marks). The dowry tradition
represent (the) large inequality (witnessed/experienced in ) of the
country. When India(n) girls prepare to marry, their families have to pay dowry (which is a kind of gift) to their future
husband’s family as compensation to the grooms parent’s for the cost
of educating their son. If the dowry haven't (isn’t) paid, the girl is subjected to torture or
sometimes even killed. Moreover we can take the example of the document(ary) « Another girl »(use
quotation marks), where
we can see that girls are killed at birth in some part of India only because of
their gender, this practice
is (termed) ''gendercide''.
There is also inequality (disparity) between the rich and poor in India. We can
illustrate this thanks
to the document(ary) ''the Dalits'' witch
(which) talks about the cast system; a discriminatory tradition. In India the cast
system divides
the society into four hereditary social classes such as the Brahman or the
Dalits which define your places in the society. When you are born in a given cast you will die in it, it’s almost impossible to climb up the
social ladders in India. In addition 42% of the population in India live on less than 1$ a day.
Nevertheless However,
we can also say that India is
becoming a modern country because (the
people’s/its people’s) mentality is changing. As much as the cast system persist in
India, it is nowadays
forbidden by the law. There are
also judicial systems
which have been set up in
India to help to solve cases of battered/abused women so as to fight(or curb) domestic violence.
On top of that, we can see that, not only (the native)Indian's mentality are murderous but also the whole country .As we see in the
document(ary) « Country on the march »
(use quotation marks “”), we can see
that the population is increasing, which represent 17,5% (use a decimal
point)of the population and will overtake China by 2030. We have the economic revolution
to thank for the
major economic cities which are developing. We can see in the document(ary) « Hight tech cities » (use quotation marks)that there is a
technologic revolution. High tech cities grow everywhere in the country. (full stop
not required here) an example
is Bangalore that looks like science fiction. The country is
on the march because the economy keeps growing thanks to the rapid development of the high tech
To conclude we can say this there is
evident-evidence that some
inequalities(you can use negative
disparities) still exist between men, women and among the citizens. India is a country with an
economy that is currently
changing and we can wonder if this economic revolution may be hindered by the « old traditions »(use quotation marks) which creates these inequalities.
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