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bonjour est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider j'ai un devoir d'anglais je l'ai fait mais j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige les fautes . j'ai mis l'énoncé de mon devoir en photo pour que vous puissiez bien comprendre de quoi je parle. Merci beaucoup

I was drinking when I thought of an invention that could help lot of people.
The name of my invention is Intelligent glass because this invention is autonomous.

First, On the glass there is a screen who enables people to choose the amount and type of drink.
Besides, there is a start and stop button who allows people to switch off the glass for keep battery.
Then, there is a battery who can reload.

What's more, the glass Will be able to help you for money-saving and time-saving because you Will not have buy drink.
In addition, the glass Will be able to help save environment because there Will be much less pollution.
Moreover, the battery of the glass Will allow us to bring everywhere with you because this glass is a small and has à battery.
Finally, the glass Will be able to use for everyone even if they not know use news tecnhology.

You should vote for my invention Intelligent glass it is great invention.
In my opinion Intelligent glass allows people to money-saving and time-saving and it is good for environment.
My invention allows people to use glass easily.

Bonjour Estce Que Quelquun Pourrait Maider Jai Un Devoir Danglais Je Lai Fait Mais Jaimerais Que Quelquun Me Corrige Les Fautes Jai Mis Lénoncé De Mon Devoir En class=

Sagot :

bonjour !

je vais "essayer" parce que je suis pas sûr de tout comprendre ce que tu as voulu dire.

I was drinking a glass of water (Iwas drinking, ça fait un peu : je picolais !) when this idea occured to me. An invention that could help a lot of people : a smart  (intelligent) glass autonomous.

First of all, , on the glass, there's a screen which allows people to choose the drink they want and its exact amount.
Moreover, there is a start and stop button which autorizes  to switch off the glass to save  battery .  (It's a solar energy battery) =lis olus bas , tu comprendras..) Then , you may as well remove the battery to reload it (with the light).   (j'espère que c'est bien ce que tu voulais dire)

Furthermore, this glass will make you save money and time because you won't have to buy drinks any more.
This glass is ecological and  helps to preserve the environment (il marche quand même avec une batterie ...pas très écolo ou alors une batterie solaire a battery working with solar energy)
Besides, this glass and its battery are so small, you'll be able to bring them everywhere you want to.
And it's so simple , everyone will be able to use it.

You really should vote for my  great invention.  "Intelligent Glass" (perso je préfère "Smart Glass" ! ça veut dire chic ET intelligent !!!!) .

In my opinion.. (tu répètes ce que tu viens  juste de dire. Je pense pas que ce soit la peine.....ça fait trop redondant, trop répétitif

Let's have a drink for this new "Smart Glass" and thank you for your support !
(je mettrai ça en conclusion...à toi de voir...c'est ton texte ..)

j'espère ne pas avoir trop dénaturé ton texte. J'ai juste essayer de l'alléger et enlever les répétitions. J'ai toujours pas compris comment ça fonctionnait et d'où venait la boisson ...mais c'est pas grave !!!!!

bonne journée

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