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j ai un dialogue a faire en anglais sur ce cas :
a man and a woman are in their car,on a deserted road.the man strangles his wife with a rope,being very careful not to leave any fingerprints on the rope.he then gets rid of his wife's body on the road,and drops the rope from over a bridge a few miles.
the next day,the police calls to tell him that his wife was murdered,and they ask him to come immediately.When the man arrives on th crime scene,he is arrested for his wife's murder.
sil vous plait aidez moi a le faire parce que je ne comprend rien en anglais svp et je suis nouvelle

Sagot :

The police call the husband of the dead woman.

Police : Hello, this is officer Banjo, are you Mister Clean ?
Man : Yes,
Police : we're sorry to tell you that your wife was found dead on the road his morning, can you please come here in the crime scene to verify if it is your wife ?
Man: yes sir, i'll go as soon as possible
The man hanged up. The police officer didn't even tell to the man where the crime scene is,it was on purpose and a trap set by the police. If the man arrived in the crime scene even though if the police officers didnt tell him the exact location of the crime scene, the police officers will know that he's the one who killed her wife.
30 minutes later
The man arrived in the crime scene.
Man: Oh my god, baby who did this to you ? Please police officers do all the things that you need to do to catch the one who killed ly wife
Police : Don't worry sir we'll do our best, and by the way sir, we already have a clue who the killer is ?
Man: Who is it ? Tell me !! i'll kill him/her
Police: You sir 
Man : what ? are you kidding me ? How would you say that it's was me who killied my wife ? i love my wife so much. I can't do such a thing.
The police put the handcuff on the man
Man: Why are you doing this to me, i'm not the one who killed her
Police: we all know now that your the one who killed her, you know why ?
man: why
Police: How did you know this place even though we didn't tell you the place where she had been killied ? When we call you 30 minutes ago, I and my fellow officers set a trap for you, we didn't tell you the exact place on purpose, but you still got here without information, so that means you know who killed her or you were the one who killed her
man: No, i can't believe this, how can i be so stupid ?  
police: we're taking you the the police department
man: i'm so sorry,you guys are right i'm the one who killed her
Police : we already know because your wife had used her phone to record the whole crime before you planned to kill her, maybe she already know that your gonna kill her. Your wife was so intelegent to do that
The man cried, and regretting the crime that he did, he was put behide bar.

dsl je pense que c un peu bizzarre, bonne chance