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Oral /myth and heroes

je dois envoyer mon oral à mon prof d'anglais pour la rentrée, c'est par rapport à l'oral d'anglais du Bac. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et s'il y a des fautes s'il vous plaît !! .
Merci pour votre aide.
I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes.
First of all i would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictional like Superman, Batman and others… A myths is a popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal.
In class We have to speak of the Americain dream, Oprah Winfrey and this song West Side Story- America. We may wonder To what extent is the American Dream a myth ?
My presentations will fall into 2 parts :
First of all, i will concentrate on The Modern heroes and the Americain dream, before finally focusing on the fact of the Americain dream is a myth.
On the one hand, I think to speak to the Americain dream , so I suppose that The most demonstrative to speak about this is to give modern examples such as current stars.
We have seen in class the Oprah winfrey's life. Oprah is a welknown TV host in America who also starred in the butler. The document that we have been considering deals with her influence in the America.Though she was born to simple means, she has managed to climb up the social ladder and she's become one of the most influencial people in America. Not only is the influential, she's also kind-hearted. Moreover Oprah Winfrey has millions of loyal fans to prouve that has a huge influence. She illustrates the myth of the Americain dream. In sofar as it she rose from rags to riches.
On the other hand I think to speak to the fact of the Americain dream is a myth, to talk about that, I reckon that the better explain this part is to speak of the one song of the American romantic musical drama film West Side Story. This song has been created in nineteen sixty -one by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim.
In this performance, Sharks as against their wife of the Americain Dream. If the girls are rather enthusiastic and celebrate America of the consumption and the success, the boys are more reserved, they celebrate the nostalgia for their small distant island and the problems in integrating into a country where a too much marked accent closes them doors. This song is a criticism of the Americain dream, she shows us that the Americain dream doesn't apply to minorities. They say that :
-you can buy on credit provided you pay higher interest rates for instance  « buying on credit is so nice/One look at us and they charge twice »
-Moreover she won't have any dollars left.
-Everything is getting bigger. However, the housing situation for immigrants is getting worse.
-You can live on the sunny side only if you are right and you fight in America.
According to the song, the Americain dream is a fake and not everybody can succed through hard work.
The Americain dream as advertissed, doesn't apply to minorities beacause of skin color.
In other words, this song aims at debunking the myth of the Americain dream.
To conclude this part I believe that it is necessary to bind this music with the cartoon seen in class and that is entitled the american dream game that was inspired by snakes and ladders. When you play snakes and ladders everyone is on an equal footing. However in this version there are two separates paths, one for white people and one for black people and there are furthermore these are more squares on the black path. That's why their chances to attain their goal are weaker. All these squares mention events related to discrimination. Thus, eache events forces black people to lose turn. They are tryings to discourage them. In short this endless road recaps the centuries of discrimination. Unlike the black road, the white route is linears and shorter.
Like the song, this cartoon shows that the principle of the equal opportunities is debunked so the Americain dream.
In short Oparh Winfrey's life could serve as proof of the existence of the American dream with the fact that she has managed to climb up the social ladder and sh's also become one of the most influential people, that she was born in a poor family, that she is now rich.
However the music as well as the game showed us that the American dream does not exist, that it does not apply to minorities, and that you should not be a colored person.

Sagot :

I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes.
First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictional like Superman, Batman and others…(after the word others don't use ellipses). A myth is a popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal.
In class we spoke of the American dream, Oprah Winfrey and the song West Side Story- America. We may wonder to what extent is the American Dream a myth?
My presentations will fall into 2 parts :
First of all,I will concentrate on the modern (words that are not names of people in within a sentence shouldn't start with capital letters) heroes and the American dream, before finally focusing on the fact of the American dream being a myth.
On the one hand, I am going to speak about the American dream , so I suppose that the most demonstrative way to speak about this is to give modern examples such as current stars.
We have seen in class Oprah Winfrey's life. Oprah is a well known TV host in America who also starred in the butler. The document that we have been considering deals with her influence in America.Though she was born to society with simple means, she has managed to climb up the social ladder and she's become one of the most influential people in America. Not only is she influential, she's also full of a kind-heart. Moreover Oprah Winfrey has millions of loyal fans proving that she has huge influence. She illustrates the achievement of the myth of the American dream, insofar as she rose from rags to riches.
On the other hand I love to speak about the fact of the American dream being a myth. To talk about that, I reckon that to best explain this part I will speak of a song about the American romantic musical drama film West Side Story. This song was (sentence in past tense) written in nineteen sixty - by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim.
In this performance, Sharks as against their wife of the American Dream. In the song the girls singing are rather enthusiastic and celebrate America of the consumption and the success while the boys are more reserved, they express nostalgia for their small distant island and the problems of integrating into a country where too much marked accent closes them doors. This song is a criticism of the American dream, which shows us that the American dream doesn't apply to minorities. They say that : 
-you can buy on credit provided you pay higher interest rates for instance "buying on credit is so nice/One look at us and they charge twice."
-Moreover she won't have any dollars left (who's being referred to here).
-Everything is getting bigger. However, the housing situation for immigrants is getting worse.
-You can live on the sunny side only if you are right and you fight in America.
According to the song, the American dream is fake and not everybody can succeed through hard work.
The American dream as advertised, doesn't apply to minorities because of their skin color.
In other words, this song aims at debunking the myth of the American dream.
To conclude this part I believe that it is necessary to bind this music with the cartoon seen in class and that is entitled the "American Dream Game" that was inspired by snakes and ladders. When you play snakes and ladders everyone is on an equal footing. However in this version there are two separates paths, one for white people and one for black people and furthermore there are more squares on the black path. That's why their chances to attain their goals are weaker. All these squares mention events related to discrimination. Thus, each event forces black people to lose turn and are trying to discourage them. In short this endless road recaps the centuries of discrimination. Unlike the black road, the white route is linear and shorter. 
Like the song, this cartoon shows that the principle of the equal opportunities is debunked as a myth and so the American dream is regarded as such.
In short Oprah Winfrey's life could serve as proof of the existence of the American dream with the fact that she has managed to climb up the social ladder and she's also become one of the most influential people, that she was born in a poor family, but she is now rich. 
However the music as well as the game showed us that the American dream does not exist, that it does not apply to minorities, and that you colored people have a hard time achieving this dream.
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