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Notion Myth and Heroes - Bac anglais

Bonjour, je suis en Terminale et je dois faire une présentation sur la notion "Myths and heroes". Mon intro est banale et je n'ai pas d'idées pour la problématique de ma présentation. Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider à en faire une bien ?

Merci d'avance :)

Sagot :

Voila qui pourrait t'aider. Après la problématique tu peux enchaîner en parlant des personnages cultes que tu as étudiés en cours pour dire qu'un simple humain peut aussi accomplir de grands exploits et tu développes en prenant un exemple de "héros".

In order to start my presentation about the notion "Myths and Heroes", I will, firstly, give a definition of the words 'myth' and 'heroes'. Myth comes from the Greek mythos (mûthos) which is "a story or set of stories having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture, religion, society or a group of people" (wiktionary). Myths are popular belief or tradition which often relate phenomenons or situation to heroes, gods or magic. In the past, they were used to explain things that weren't understandable for people, for instance the creation of the world is a phenomenon that most of civilisations in the world explained by inventing myths. 
Thus, myths involve magic and supernatural beings who are generally gods or heroes. Heroes, unlike gods, are human or half human who are endowed with extraordinary strength and courage and who is admired for his/her outstanding achievements. But what about today's definition of a hero or a myth? Do they have to involve supernatural or fictional events and characters or can we consider a normal person as a hero?

Pour le développement, tu peux citer des personnages que tu as vu en cours :

- Barack Obama as an inspiration to change the american society
- Marthin Luther King: activist who fought to change the condition of the African-American
- Gandhi: the hero who turned India into a modern country
- Mandela: South-African leader who permitted his country to get through Apartheid
- Sportmen: Mohamed Ali, Tommie Smith and John Carlos (the African American athletes who made the Black Power salute during the 1668 Olympic Games 
- Malala Yousafzi: the pakistani activist who was killed by a Taliban 
- Steve Jobs..

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View image MathieuM
View image MathieuM