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Compete the phrases below
1. To be ........ , I don't really like it very much
2. He comes ............ as a bit reserved at first. But when you get to know him he's really nice.
Use the word in brackets after each sentence to form a word that fits the gap.
a- He was sentenced to five years' ............. for tax evasion and accepting bribes. (prison)
b- Mrs Roberts's experience and .............. are generally acknowledged. (wise)
c- A lot of crimes occur in the ........... zone, from which soldiers withdrew long ago. (military)
d- His speaking skills improved ........... after he had spent two months in Britain. (consider)
e- Remember that this information is strictly ............. -no one is supposed to learn about it. (confide)
f- I'm afraid nausea and dizziness are ........ side effects of this medical treatment. (avoid)
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