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Sagot :
bonjour !
I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth can be either a legend or something from the past we still remember; it can be an imaginary story as well.A Myth is often associated with a Hero : someone who saves lives, someone powerful. Actually, we may consider a person (pour éviter les répétition , s.body...) who is hunting (tu as voulu dire qui chasse comme un chasseur au sens propre ??) as a hero and he may become a myth.
We can consider several forms of witch hunting in the USA .
1- First , we will see witch hunting in the 17th century in America
2- Then, we will see witch hunting during the 20th century.(during ou in tu chosis)
(witch = sing/ witches = pluriel pareil féminin et masculin)
je trouve ton 1 et 2 un peu long :voila ce que je te propose :::
We are going to follow the evolution of witch hunting's phenomenom through centuries
- In the XVII century
- In the XX century
Witch hunting in the XVII century in America.
During the 17th century many people were accused of witchcraft in America. Puritanism was a very strict religion. So all forms of distractions
were forbidden and considered as sins. People had to respect a very strict dress code and had to have a great consideration for values..They were scared of the devil which might infiltrate their community.
In this century, witch hunting was omnipresent, for exemple during the trial of Salem, 200 persons were accused of witchcraft and 20 were hanged.
Witch hunting can be explained by popular belief and epidemic starvations or diseases. But people laid the blame of mysterious things to the devil and women were ideal targets to explain the tragedy of the entire world.(the evil eye of the entire world = le mauvais oeuil du monde entier)
Witch hunting in the 20th in America
As in the 17th century, we find the notion of witch hunting" in the 20th century in America. In those days, a political oppression against communism was set up. We have seen a document "The Hollywood blacklist". People'names were writen in this list because they were suspected to be communist. We can consider them as heroes because they fought everyday for themselves and their community. We can mention Charlie Chaplin who was accused of communist acquaintances ;he prefered to leave the States. That's the case of quite a lot of producers , film makers as Elia Kazan, actors who left their country,and went to exile. Today, Charlie Chaplin is a legend, he's famous and he is a kind of a hero because he (accepted to go back to ?) went back to the States to receice a special Academy Award.
Moreover, in "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, we can see a woman . Five fingers are pointing at her. She looks afraid.. She is probably accused of being a witch. Maybe she did something wrong in the past, but she is clearly being humilated. She was accused of witchcraft.
We can consider that nowadays witch hunting is over, but a large number of people are still rejected, excluded, without any real reasons. Especially some small communities in some states . (si tu mets dans certains pays comme en Amérique, je trouve pas ça cohérent parce que ton sujet c'est en Amérique. On se demande ce que cette phrase vient faire là) After the attack of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese community was suspected to help the enemy. So they were the victims of american prejudice. They were scapegoats as shown in the film "Snow falling on Cedars " directed by Scott Hicks.
To conclude, every century has had their heroes,myths and legends about witchcraft. Therefore....................................Their stories make them ou their story makes them.....................there always are scapegoats.
Pour être honnête, je n'aime pas le dernier paragraphe : je le trouve hors-sujet. Tu parles d'exclusion....Les premiers auxquels on pense ce ne sont pas les japonais après l'attaque de Pearl Harbor mais les personnes descendants d'esclaves , c"est-à-dire toute la population afro-américaine.
Ce n'est bien sûr que mon avis , mais pour moi, ça fait comme un soufflé qui redescend. Du coup la conclusion est pas terrible non plus.Je n'ai pas vraiment d'idée, c'est en corrigeant que je m'en aperç corrige toujours sans préparer..ça prend plus de temps mais c'est plus spontané.
J'essaie de trouver d'autres pistes, les Amish, mais ils n'ont rien de Héros mis à part le fait qu'il résiste au modernisme ..peut-être une piste à exploiter d'autant qu'ils ne sont pas , je crois, très acceptés....ou les Mormons. Je crois plutôt les Amish. A toi de voir. C'est l' opinion personnelle d'un élève de 3 éme..
J'espère t'avoir aidé(e)
bonne soirée !
I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth can be either a legend or something from the past we still remember; it can be an imaginary story as well.A Myth is often associated with a Hero : someone who saves lives, someone powerful. Actually, we may consider a person (pour éviter les répétition , s.body...) who is hunting (tu as voulu dire qui chasse comme un chasseur au sens propre ??) as a hero and he may become a myth.
We can consider several forms of witch hunting in the USA .
1- First , we will see witch hunting in the 17th century in America
2- Then, we will see witch hunting during the 20th century.(during ou in tu chosis)
(witch = sing/ witches = pluriel pareil féminin et masculin)
je trouve ton 1 et 2 un peu long :voila ce que je te propose :::
We are going to follow the evolution of witch hunting's phenomenom through centuries
- In the XVII century
- In the XX century
Witch hunting in the XVII century in America.
During the 17th century many people were accused of witchcraft in America. Puritanism was a very strict religion. So all forms of distractions
were forbidden and considered as sins. People had to respect a very strict dress code and had to have a great consideration for values..They were scared of the devil which might infiltrate their community.
In this century, witch hunting was omnipresent, for exemple during the trial of Salem, 200 persons were accused of witchcraft and 20 were hanged.
Witch hunting can be explained by popular belief and epidemic starvations or diseases. But people laid the blame of mysterious things to the devil and women were ideal targets to explain the tragedy of the entire world.(the evil eye of the entire world = le mauvais oeuil du monde entier)
Witch hunting in the 20th in America
As in the 17th century, we find the notion of witch hunting" in the 20th century in America. In those days, a political oppression against communism was set up. We have seen a document "The Hollywood blacklist". People'names were writen in this list because they were suspected to be communist. We can consider them as heroes because they fought everyday for themselves and their community. We can mention Charlie Chaplin who was accused of communist acquaintances ;he prefered to leave the States. That's the case of quite a lot of producers , film makers as Elia Kazan, actors who left their country,and went to exile. Today, Charlie Chaplin is a legend, he's famous and he is a kind of a hero because he (accepted to go back to ?) went back to the States to receice a special Academy Award.
Moreover, in "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, we can see a woman . Five fingers are pointing at her. She looks afraid.. She is probably accused of being a witch. Maybe she did something wrong in the past, but she is clearly being humilated. She was accused of witchcraft.
We can consider that nowadays witch hunting is over, but a large number of people are still rejected, excluded, without any real reasons. Especially some small communities in some states . (si tu mets dans certains pays comme en Amérique, je trouve pas ça cohérent parce que ton sujet c'est en Amérique. On se demande ce que cette phrase vient faire là) After the attack of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese community was suspected to help the enemy. So they were the victims of american prejudice. They were scapegoats as shown in the film "Snow falling on Cedars " directed by Scott Hicks.
To conclude, every century has had their heroes,myths and legends about witchcraft. Therefore....................................Their stories make them ou their story makes them.....................there always are scapegoats.
Pour être honnête, je n'aime pas le dernier paragraphe : je le trouve hors-sujet. Tu parles d'exclusion....Les premiers auxquels on pense ce ne sont pas les japonais après l'attaque de Pearl Harbor mais les personnes descendants d'esclaves , c"est-à-dire toute la population afro-américaine.
Ce n'est bien sûr que mon avis , mais pour moi, ça fait comme un soufflé qui redescend. Du coup la conclusion est pas terrible non plus.Je n'ai pas vraiment d'idée, c'est en corrigeant que je m'en aperç corrige toujours sans préparer..ça prend plus de temps mais c'est plus spontané.
J'essaie de trouver d'autres pistes, les Amish, mais ils n'ont rien de Héros mis à part le fait qu'il résiste au modernisme ..peut-être une piste à exploiter d'autant qu'ils ne sont pas , je crois, très acceptés....ou les Mormons. Je crois plutôt les Amish. A toi de voir. C'est l' opinion personnelle d'un élève de 3 éme..
J'espère t'avoir aidé(e)
bonne soirée !
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