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Bonjours, j'ai ce sujet a réaliser en Anglais mais j'ai vraiment beaucoup de mal, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp ? Il faut environ 150 mots
You have read a newspaper article in which a journalist reveals that the company Nike, located in Pakistan, exploits children.
You decide to write a letter to the President of the company, Mark Parker, to tell him about your feelings. You try to convince him about the necessity to improve the working conditions of these children.

(Vous avez lu un article de journal dans lequel un journaliste révèle que la société Nike, situé au Pakistan, exploite les enfants. Vous décidez d'écrire une lettre au président de la compagnie, Mark Parker, pour lui parler de vos sentiments. Vous essayez de le convaincre de la nécessité d'améliorer les conditions de travail de ces enfants.)

Sagot :

To the President of Nike, Mark Parker,

We have received reports that your company has been exploiting the hard and cheap labour of Pakistani children. I am deeply saddened regarding this issue and I feel that it must be addressed accordingly. It is against international law to employ children as workers and it will cause major repercussions to your company if you keep following such path. You must be atleast able to provide the children water, decent food, decent shelter, and basic education. Using an actual adult labour force would be ethically better than your current labour force. It should be noted that using skilled adults to manufacture your products will increase its quality.

I hope that the company stops using children as workers in the Pakistan area and starts becoming more humanitarian with its workers.

John Doe
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