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URGENT:Quelqu'un accepterait-il de corriger voir d'apporter quelques améliorations à ma préparation orale pour le bac? Merci infiniment

I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. This notion talks about the various movements between different geographical territories. These movements can be exchanges of goods, information exchanges or migration. It’s particularly this last point that we going to talk and I’m going to explain to what extent can we say that the presence of Latinos in the US is beneficial?
For started, the American population has change a lot. Indeed, in a first document entitled “population change by State” we learn that the population change between 2000 and 2010. The number of Hispanics in the US has soared in 10 years and they have become the first minority. In 2010 they represented 16 percent of the population, an increase of about 43 percent in 10 years. In addition, we can see that the population has changed the most in the South, the East and the Southwest; that is to say near the border with Mexico.
This document highlights that there are more and more Mexican’s people who crossed the border to come to US. It’s in majority the result of immigration.

However, these evolutions caused the emergence of new movement anti-immigration, called the “Minutemen”. Indeed, on the picture entitled “minutemen at the border” we can see the border between the US and Mexico and the minutemen who are securing the border by building a fence. Their goal is to stop immigration.
In an audio document entitled “Arizona’s minutemen”, a minuteman explained the reasons of his actions. In his view, they do what the government won’t, that is to say shut the border. They think that the illegal immigration is out of control whereas it’s for them the greatest threat to the national security.

But not everyone agrees with the minutemen. Indeed, the presence of the Latinos in the US can be an advantage. The fourth document is an article entitled “Latinos” written by Martha Teichner and published in CBS Sunday Morning in 2006 and the main topic of this article is the integration of Latinos in America.
After reading this text, we can say that the Latinos came with another knowledge, language, traditions, customs, and it can impact the American culture with littles changes. Moreover, they can influence election political of America because Hispanics represent now almost 20 percent of the American’s population. Finally, the Latinos have a huge economic impact in America because they can do the unskilled jobs, the jobs that nobody want to do and it has an impact on the American expansion economic. In the article, Martha Teichner says that they injecting well over 200 billion $ a year.
Indeed, in the cartoon made by Jeff Heller entitled “I’m just doing the job that you won’t do” we can see that immigrant do the low paid jobs such as gardening, washing, cleaning… We can also see that they work in very bad conditions like in the cold or late at night for example. However they don’t have the choice because they are for the majority illegal immigrant and unskilled workers. The paradox is in the last drawing, because it denounces the law which used to stop the immigration. Indeed, if Latinos hadn’t been here because of the cessation of immigration, who would do the jobs American citizens refuse to do?
In the previous document, Henry Cisneros the former secretary of housing and urban development in the Clinton administration claims that it is in the nation’s interest to help the migrant because they are indispensable.

We can conclude that the presence of Hispanics in America is beneficial for reason economic, cultural, and politic. Finally the minutemen’s arguments aren’t acceptable because this is discriminatory act to say that Hispanics are a threat to the American security.

URGENTQuelquun Accepteraitil De Corriger Voir Dapporter Quelques Améliorations À Ma Préparation Orale Pour Le Bac Merci Infiniment Im Going To Talk About The No class=

Sagot :


Hello today i'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. It concerns the various movements between different geographical territories. There are several movements as exchanges of goods, information exchanges or migrations and today we're going to talk about migrations and I’m going to explain to what extent can we say that the presence of Latinos in the US is beneficial?
To start with 
 these evolutions caused the emergence of new movement anti-immigration, called the “Minutemen”. Indeed, on the picture entitled “minutemen at the border” we can see the border between the US and Mexico and the minutemen who are securing the border by building a fence. Their goal is to stop immigration.
In an audio document entitled “Arizona’s minutemen”, a minuteman explained the reasons of his actions. In his view, they do what the government won’t, that is to say shut the border. They think that the illegal immigration is out of control whereas it’s for them the greatest threat to the national security.

Après ton texte est un peu près correct sauf que tu met trop de fois le mot Indeed ou However. C'est trop répétitif. Je vais corriger la conclusion.

As a conclusion, we can say that the presence of Hispanics in America is beneficial for different reasons like economic, cultural and political reasons. At last the minutemen’s arguments aren’t acceptable because this is discriminatory act to say that Hispanics are a threat to the American security.

Voilà ! C'est tout pour moi ! J'espère t'avoir aidé ! ^^