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Pourriez vous me corrigé c'est texte en anglais svp

Suite a mon post de se matin après avoir développe mon texte pourriez vous me les corrigé pour mon oral d'anglais qui arrive a grand pas merci par avance.

voici les texte sur les théme NYC, thangiving, myself et my friends :

• New York city Is divided into five Boroughs : Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. It’s located oon the East coast of the USA. New York city contain about 8 millions of inhabitants it is a very large city but is not a capital city of the USA Indeed the capitol city is Washington DC. In the street of NYC it very noisy wheras in central park it’s very quiet. If you go to NYC, you will be able to visit some monument, for exemple the empire state building, the statue of liberty and flatiron building

• the pilgrins left from plymouth in england to plymouth rock on the september the sixteen of sixteen-twenty (1620),they crossed the atlantic ocean with a mayflower and the pilgrins landed ond the November 21 of 1620. when they landed, they built a shelter, they hunted, fished and grew cultures, they worked and cut trees, they sold, bought, traded and delt with indian and they bred animals. Today Thanksgiving is celabrated the fourth Thursday of november.

• My name is--------------, I was born on june the 29 of 2001 in --------, i’m 14 years old, but since 8 years i living in -------------- with my family, my parents is maried and i have one litle brother and one litle sister. In a school i’m good at matématics and at spanish I can speak 3 languages : My mother tong is a french and 2 foreign languages engish and spanish I studied english for 8 years and Spanish for Two year. I’m practice a VTT with my friend. A next years I would like to go on a lycée of jules ferry and I will be made a bac SI because at the futur I want to become an aerospace engener on THALES but my dream its find a job on the NASA.

• My friends are a person with who I share the sames passion, for exemple : we like a videogames and travel, we go together to cinema or go shopping but my best friend is a most important person for mi because they backs mi up and i can rely on him althoug is fearful and lazy I love my best friends. My best friends is a boys, is fiveteen years old and is name is matisse. I meet matisse on the pak of a housing estate of my grand parents and since our meeting I keep in contact with him althoug is live on the north of France.

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merci par avance