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In 1962, take place the Salem witch trial, it is a famous episode of the colonial history of the United States which resulted in the conviction and execution of people accused of witchcraft in of Massachusetts. Later, in 1952, takes place the "Red Scare" is a period characterized by the cricriminalisation of political or anarchist as well as fear of communist infiltration in the U.S. Government. During this period, all those who were suspected of Communist sympathies became investigated, named the "witch hunt". A man named named Joe MacCarthy gave a speech in which he said that 205 Communists people worked in the State Department.

Therefore we could ask ourselves the question : how the authority is exercised on a population in a society based on the power?

In order to answer that question, we are going to study the excerpt from “Burn the Witch”, then an extract from “The Big Book of Bad” and a picture of the Armenian genocide .

Extract "Burn the Witch" shows the power of very ironic way. The Villagers bring in a Knight, a woman that they accuse be a witch. At first glance it is not one, it looks like she is in disguise as a witch. Here, the villagers represent the accusers, the Knight, represents a form of power, a form of authority, it is calm, reasoned and educated. The scene here is absurd because, the arguments of the villagers have no sense, the Knight of their request : “How do you know she is a witch ?” and they respond : « She looks like one ».
They accuse a young woman without real evidence, their arguments are stupid. Throughout this scene, the Knight asks several questions to the villagers so that they come to the answer which is: the witch is a duck. The logic of the Knight is : Everything made of wood floats, everything that floats is made of wood, witches floats, duck floats, the witch weighs the same as a duck, weighing the same means floting. This logic is completely absurd mets villagers believe because it is a Knight and that it represents the superiority. The young woman accused of being a witch will not a true trial she will drown without any evidence.
It is therefore here, that the power lies only in the hands of people who are higher.
Now we are going to study this power in another context and we will see in this context that a sense
of fear will be present.

In 1950, Joe McCarthy delivered a speech in which he claimed that communist people were working in the Government. This period was called the 2nd Red Scare and was also considered witch hunt. The period Red Scare is divided into two: the first start swith the October Revolutionof 1917 and ends in 1920. The second, with McCarthyism, which takes place in the 950s, in the context of the 'cold war'. They both have a common point: the fear of the communism. The document that we are going to study is an excerpt from the comic “The Big Book of Bad” written by Jonathan Vankin in 1998. This excerpt clearly shows the fear of communism, it is written "some terrible thing was preparating to destroy all our safety and happibness at any time.” One sees on the faces of people a sense of fear. This sentence expressing oppression on the part of communism, people were afraid that their lives change because of communism., she is showing us the wave of paranoia triggered by the fear of communist .
Moreover, everyone was suspected during this period, children also.
Furthermore, we can say that the population is easily manipulated. How a man one could have trigger a wave of paranoia by claiming that he was in possession of 205 names of persons working for the Communism?
Especially as Joe McCarthy had no reliable evidence. But here again, his rank of politicians was that his speech had a lot of importance on the population.
To conclude, we can tell that power can be practised on a population through the intermediary of fear, which is able to trigger a wave of paranoia, showing us that population is easily manipulable. The context of cold war an also accentuated this fear. This fear is still present in our society, but under different forms, for example the terrorism. Moreover, there is another aspect of the power that we are going to talk about.

The Armenian Genocide was a genocide carried out from April 1915 to July 1917, during which two-thirds of Arméniens living then the current territory of the Turkey's due to deportations, famine and wide-scale massacres. It is planned and executed by the party in power at the time, the Committee of Union and progress (CUP), more known by name the "young Turks".
This is a picture happens to Constantinople in June 1915 where armenians are hanged by the Ottoman forces. It costs life to approximately one million two hundred thousand.

Sagot :

bonjour, tu devrais noter certaines dates et les mettre sur une feuille ou sur un carton blanc inscrit au marqueur lisible comme tu présentes ton oral assisse ou debout en montrant quelques dates symboliques en fin, vous voyez ce que je veux vous dire. Les examinateurs vont être bluffés par ta présentation orale, ah mais je crois que tu n'as pas droit à déjà noter les dates sinon tu le fais sur place tu prends des cartons de déménagement à la sortie des supermarchés (les petits supermarchés de ta ville ou tu demandes s'ils leur reste des cartons) tu les découpes bien égaux. Tu fais ton speech, ton oral avec des photos peut-être SI TU AS DROIT TU LE MONTRES AUX EXAMINATEURS COMME CA ILS VOIENT PAS DE TRICHERIE ASSISE OU DEBOUT, c'est pareil. Bon courage! il y a quelques fautes dans ton texte mais c'est surtout fautes de frappe. Et la conclusion elle est où?