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esque quelqu'un pourrais me le corriger s'il vous plait ? merci beaucoup d'avance

Do you prefer the film or the book ?

I think I prefer the film beacause I don't really understand the book when I read it, so I was more concentrate and concerned when I watch the film. but if i will understand the book I think I will apprecitate it more because on the book there are more details, and we can create the film in the mind with the imagination so it's more interesting that sitting on a couch and just watch. And in the film it lacked many details , and they change a lot of thing , such as the relationship between fiona and jonas , ans also the jobs , so when i knew it i was really dissapointed. So i'm torn between the film and the book because I more undertstood the book but I 'm really sad that they change , and lacked lot of details

Sagot :

bonjour !

I think I  prefer the film because I hadn't quite understood the book when I read it. I was more attentive and felt more concerned when I watched the movie.. But if I had understood better the book, I migh have appreciated it more because, generally, there are more details  and you can picture the scenes , how are the characters, Your imagination takes (drives) your  mind  in another world , and so, I think it's more creative than being a couch potato  (expression qui veut dire "être affalé sur son canapé) watching TV. On the film, many details were not shown, such as the relationship betwwen Fiona and Jonas, their jobs.... So I'm torn between the film and the book. Watching the fim helped me to have a better  understanding (approach)  of the book but too many things were missing. In fact I probably understood the book enough to have my imagination work out !

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