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Bonjour ! J'ai fais ma rédaction d'anglais et j'aurais vraiment besoin de quelqu'un pour me corriger, merci beaucoup :)

Cassie and her brother Sammy were lost. Overnight, their neighborhood is destroyed, their parents disappeared and no longer have any news of their families. They did not understand what was happening, the end of the world happened? They would all disappear? Too many questions raced through their heads. Sammy strongly hugged his sister and refused to let go. Suddenly he began to cry and said, "We will die Cassie?"
Cassie looked at his brother, "No, we will not die ..."
They were not reassured, What was to be done?
Cassie took the hand of his brother and carried him away, they could not understand why so suddenly, their neighborhood was in a deep mess. As they walked, the more they distinguished two silhouettes. Two men dressed in black from head to foot approached them. One of them whispered, "You're alive! Everything okay?" Cassie and Sammy did not understand. Getting no response, he repeated, "Everything okay?"
"Yes, we're fine."
The other man had to remain silent now speaks "Come with us, we have to get away"
"We do not know you!" said Cassie
"You have no choice! Humanity has been ravaged by the aliens, follow us!"
"Aliens?" Sammy began to cry more.
The two men escorting Cassie and Sammy in a car.

They arrive in front of a large door, one of the men spoke into a microphone and the door opened.
They discover another different setting of precedent. There were buildings, houses, children playing in the park, and adults walking. It was another world, the world was not destroyed they had seen before. Cassie and her brother were surprised and amazed.
Not understanding, Cassie spoke, "Where are we?"
"You will understand, get out of the car."
Cassie and Sammy out of the car and a young woman came in smiling, "You find survivors? That's great!
"Who are you? Where are we! I want answers!"
"Calm down, here we are in the protected area of Aliens. Our planet was invaded and all those present here are survivors, here they are protected and have all the necessities of life. For now nobody can get out, there is an invisible barrier that the aliens can not traversed. Where are your parents? Are you alone ?
Cassie had tears in his eyes, "I do not know where my parents are, I do not know where my family and I do not know where my friends are." she said
"I understand, here is a new world, you can rebuild here and you are protected, do not worry, all are well."
One of the men spoke up, "We take them to their buildings?"
"Yes, take them."

The two men took him and Cassie Sammy to their buildings.
They would live in a new world, and protected from Aliens.

Sagot :

bonjour ! tu as quelques fautes: their neighborhood was destroyed, they no longer have any news, was it the end of the world ? , will they all dissappea ?, will we die cassie ?, as they walked they distinguished two silhouettes, it was another world. , there is an invisible barriers aliens cannot get through, i don not know where my family is , we are in a new world.
j'adore ton histoire !