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bonjours, je dois écrire un texte dans 5/6 lignes mais je ne suis vraiment pas doué!! x) le texte dois raconter brevement une expérience qui nous a fait très peur mais je n'ai pas d'idée!! il faut d'abord remplir les question:

Puis faire le petits texte donc si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider sa serait cool!! ;)

Sagot :

I was in my bedroom, sleeping, when I suddenly heard a big knock at my door. At first I thought I dreamt about it, but then there was another knock, even louder then the last one... I was so afraid an intruder was in my home, and wanted to kill me! Then the door opened, very slowly. My heart was beating so hard I could hear it! The person continued pushing, the gap was getting wider and wider. I could see a figure standing right by it! Then I heard my mother's voice; "Honey, wake up!"; the I actually woke up, and realized it was alla dream within a dream.
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