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Bonsoir , quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes d'orthographe pour mon oral, je vous met le texte en anglais ci-joint et en français pour vous aider, merci bcp

The quotation about which I am going to speak to you today is " " a photography, it is the fragment of time that will not return. " This beautiful quotation which inspires me a lot was written by Martine franck. Martine Franck was born on April 2nd, 1938 in Antwerp and died August 16th, 2012 in Paris at the age of 74. Martine Franck is a Belgian photographer. I chose to speak to you about this quotation because she(it) talks a lot to me, and Martine's history affected a lot me. Martine is a woman who always suffered from her shyness, for her " The photography came as substitute, I suffered to be shy; to hold a device gave me a function, a reason for being somewhere, as witness, not as actress " This woman inspires me a lot because I completely the fact of being passionate about something and so to feel(smell) it more existing. Of more the photography fascinates me a lot. For me it was then impossible not to take a quotation in touch with the photography. This quotation makes me think a lot because it is the so true. For example, let us take the example of a father who photographs his daughter during her birthday, he takes the photo, and then looks at the photo. The photography is there certainly but the fragment of time will not return. The real moment will not return. The moment when it took the photo will never return. Now let us take the example at once with you, I am going to take a photo of this class, smile... Now look at this photography, at the photo of moment or I took the photo is there, but the moment when present where I took the photo will not return. Thank you

En français : La citation dont je vais vous parler aujourd'hui est "« une photographie, c’est un fragment de temps qui ne reviendra pas. »Cette belle citation qui m'inspire beaucoup a été écrite par Martine franck. Martine Franck est née le 2 avril 1938 à Anvers et mourait le 16 août 2012 à Paris à l'âge de 74 ans. Martine Franck est une photographe belge. J'ai choisi de vous parler de cette citation car elle me parle énormément, et l'histoire de Martine m'a beaucoup touché. Martine est une femme qui a toujours souffert de sa timidité, pour elle « La photographie est venue comme substitut, j'ai souffert d'être timide …; tenir un appareil m'a donné une fonction, une raison d'être quelque part, comme témoin, non comme actrice" Cette femme m'inspire beaucoup car je complètement le fait de se passionner pour quelque chose et ainsi ce sentir plus existante. De plus la photographie me passionne beaucoup.  Pour moi c'était alors impossible de ne pas prendre une citation en rapport avec la photographie. Cette citation me fait beaucoup réfléchir car elle est tellement vraie. Par exemple, prenons l'exemple d'un père qui prend en photo sa fille lors de son anniversaire, il prend la photo, et puis regarde la photo. La photographie est là certes mais le fragment de temps ne reviendra pas. L'instant réel ne reviendra pas. L'instant où il a pris la photo ne reviendra plus jamais. Maintenant prenons l'exemple tout de suite avec vous, je vais prendre une photo de cette classe, souriez... Maintenant regardez cette photographie, la photo de l'instant ou j'ai pris la photo est là, mais le moment où présent où j'ai pris la photo ne reviendra pas.Merci

Sagot :

ngue suivante : français: Quote Of which I'll Speaking Today's "" A photograph is a fragment not only of Time Will come back. "This beautiful quote Who inspires me a lot Was written by Martine Franck Martine Franck is born 2. April 1938 at Antwerp and died August 16, 2012 in Paris at the age of 74 years Martine Franck is a Belgian photographer. I have chosen to quote speaking of this car. It Enormously me speak, and Martine history I was very touched Martine is a woman who has suffered his shyness Still, for her "photography is held as a substitute, I suffered from being shy ...;. Keep me apparatus Given a function, a partly due to be Something, as a witness, not actress pronominal intransitive "This woman inspires me a lot of car for the fact I completely get excited and pay Some selected EC and Feel and existing. Furthermore photography fascinates me a lot. For me it was impossible then not Take a citation in connection with photography. This quote makes me Think She Is So real car. For example, take the example of a father Who Supports picture LORs his daughter on her birthday, he Shoots and the picture looks then. Photography is certainly there, but the time fragment of no Reviendra ne. The moment of Reviendra not real. The moment 'where' took the photo will never return. Now take the example immediately With you, I'll take a photo of this class, smile ... Now look at this photograph, the photo of the moment I took the picture is there, but when Where this where I took the photo not return
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