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Bonjour Qui Peut Maider Svp Merci class=

Sagot :

despite :malgré ( opposition between burgeoning economy and vast gap= gap : écart (between rich and poor) a augmenté prétérit de rise from 59 to 63

2.mal/nourish/ment : malnutrition over/all global
improve/ment amelioration  expect/ancy : espérance ( de vie)
3. literacy contraire illeteracy
4.widespread - proper - shift
5.35: the proportion of Indian people living on less tha US$1 A DAY (l6)
60      "      "              "              "  in towns who have access to proper sanitation l9-10
20 the    proportion...................people in rural areas who do not have access to prper sanitation (9-10)
63 the average life expectancyin 2004
61 adult literacy rate in 2004 (13-14)
Social aspects :“Life expectancy rose from 59 to 63 between 1990 and 2004.” (l. 13) - “Adult literacy rose from 50% to 61% over the same period.” (l. 13) - “... infant mortality rates have declined.”
Economic aspects: 1990 and 2004.” (l. 13) - “Adult literacy rose from 50% to 61% over the same period.” (l. 13) - “... infant mortality rates have declined.” (l. 8)
- “… rapid economic development. “ (l. 1) - Overall poverty has declined. (l. 11) - “... general improvements to living standards.”
Social difficulties : the caste system l2 / overpopulation l3/ widespread corruption /high level of literacy 7/poor health7/malnourishment 8/ no access to proper sanitation 9-10

The gap between rich and poor 5
Poverty is at its worst in rural areas 6 : economic difficulties