
FRstudy.me est votre ressource incontournable pour des réponses expertes. Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour obtenir des réponses fiables et complètes à toutes vos questions pressantes.

1.Un bruit bizzarre t'a empecher d'entendre une partie de ces phrasses . pose la question qui te permettra de comprendre de quoi il s'agit

1.his father worked for Mr???beffore the war
2.They stopped polluting the river in19???
3.???made very goood films in the sixtties
4.The children loockedfor their???
5.The workers were on strike because???

2.Réponds aux questions suivantes en utilisant le complément de temps donné et ago
ex:Have you cut the grass?
Yes,i cut it threedays ago.

1.Has Philip seen his friends?(a week)
2.Have the girls painted their room(three months)
3. have you called your grandparents(an hour)
4.Have the Browns bought a new car?(two months)
3.Shirley t'a laissé un message mais des bruits bizarres t'ont empeché d'entendre certains mots . pose les questions qui te permettront de comprendre son message

1.i'm havinga???tonight...........................................................................
2.i invite my friends once a??....................................................................
3.ALL my friends like???.....................................................................................
4.We spend our time???rock and roll.............................................................
5.That's why I'm buying???..................................................................................
MERCII D'AVANCE aider moi please

Sagot :

1.Who did his father work for ?
When did they stop polluting the river ?
Who made very good films .....
What did the children look for ?
Why were the workers on strike ?

2Philip saw his friends a week ago
the girls painted their rooms  three months a go
I called my grandparents an hour ago
The Browns bought a new car  two months ago

3What are you having tonight ?
How often do you invite your friends ?
What do all your friends like
What do you spend your time doing ?
WhAT are you buying?