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Bonjour à tous j'ai un poème a faire en anglais et j'ai pas du tout d'idée, pouvez m'aider s'il vous plait. Il faut par exemple dire a I see I want I can avec 'je' et il faut des rimes

Sagot :

Every day, I see the same woman
With every time, the same man
They walk by holding hand
And live in Scotland. 
The woman always wears a dress
Red, blue, Pink or colour fruit,
I think, it's an actress.
The man wear always a suit,
It must be also an actor,
Or maybe a business director.
I would ask them, if they have already shot a film
Because later, I want to be filmmaker 
And I know that I can realize my dream.
And if I'm not filmmaker, as my father, I will be banker.