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Bonjour je doit traduire cette biography en angais pourriez-vous m'aidez s'il vous plait c'est pour demain et je n'arrive pas , je suis vraiment très nul en anglais , merci d'avance. Cassius Clay est né le 17 janvier 1942 à Louisville, au Kentucky .Il grandit dans un quartier noir de Louisville dans le Kentucky, le jeune Cassius Clay est victime d’un vol de vélo. Énervé il rencontre un policier à qui il fait part de son intention d’infliger une correction au voleur . Le policier, Joe Elsby Martin Sr, lui dit qu’il ferait mieux de commencer par apprendre à boxer. Le jour suivant Cassius suit son conseil et commence à prendre des cours de boxe sous la houlette de Martin. Quelques semaines plus tard il dispute son premier combat et remporte sa première victoire.Nommé boxeur de l'année 1963, Clay devient presque naturellement l'adversaire du champion du monde Sonny Liston.On le surnome Louisville Lip
The Champ
The Greatest .Entre les deux matchs, il devient également célèbre pour des raisons dépassant le domaine sportif : il rejoint l'organisation Nation of Islam et change son nom en Cassius X, la lettre X faisant référence au rejet de son nom d'esclave en l'absence de son véritable nom d'origine africaine, pratique courante au sein de cette organisation26. Malcolm X fut le seul musulman à le soutenir avant son premier combat contre Liston (Malcolm X a d'ailleurs assisté au premier combat), puis il reçoit le nom de « Mohamed Ali » de la part d'Elijah Muhammad, chef du mouvement. Finalement, Ali tourne le dos publiquement à Malcolm lors d'un voyage au Nigeria en 1964 et est managé par Herbert Muhammad, le propre fils d'Elijah.Ce n'est qu'après l’assassinat de Malcolm X en 1965 qu'il regrettera son geste. Ali quitte la Nation de l'Islam pour se convertir à l'islam sunnite en 1975.Il épouse tout d'abord la serveuse Sonji Roi en 1964, ils divorcent au bout de 1 ans. Il épouse ensuite Belinda Boyd, en 1967, Sa femme change également son nom pour celui de Khalilah Ali, ils divorceront 10 ans plus tard . Il aurait ainsi entretenu une longue relation avec Barbara Mensah, et lui aurait donné une fille qui clame être la 10e enfant du champion.En 1977, Ali épouse l'actrice Veronica Porsche, ils divorcent 9 ans plus tard .C'est également en 1986 que Mohamed Ali épouse Yolanda Williams Sa 4e et dernière épouse.Mohamed Ali a eu 9 enfants (7 filles et 2 fils), nés de ses différents mariages.Mohamed Ali meurt le 3 juin 2016 à l'âge de 74 ans, à la suite de problèmes respiratoires, et de la maladie de parkinson .

Sagot :

Cassius Clay was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky .It grew up in a black neighborhood of Louisville in Kentucky, the young Cassius Clay is a victim of bicycle theft. Upset he met a police officer to whom he expressed his intention to inflict punishment to the thief. The policeman, Joe Elsby Martin Sr., told him he'd better start by learning to box. The next day Cassius followed his advice and began taking boxing classes under the leadership of Martin. A few weeks later he played his first match and won his first victoire.Nommé boxer of 1963, Clay becomes almost natural opponent of Sonny Liston.On world champion nicknamed the Louisville LipThe ChampThe Greatest .Between the two games, he also became famous for reasons beyond the sports field: he joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name to Cassius X, X is referring to the rejection of his slave name in the absence of his real name of African origin, a common practice in this organisation26. Malcolm X was the only Muslim support before his first fight against Liston (Malcolm X has also witnessed the first fight) and then gets the name "Muhammad Ali" by Elijah Muhammad, leader of the movement. Finally, Ali publicly turned its back to Malcolm on a trip to Nigeria in 1964 and is managed by Herbert Muhammad, the son of Elijah.Ce own only after the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 he regret his actions. Ali left the Nation of Islam to convert to Sunni Islam in 1975.Il wife first the waitress Sonji King in 1964, they divorced after 1 year. Then he married Belinda Boyd, in 1967. His wife is also changing its name to Khalilah Ali, they divorced 10 years later. He allegedly had a long relationship with Barbara Mensah, and would have given him a girl who claims to be the 10th child of champion.En 1977 Veronica Porsche Ali married the actress, they divorced nine years later in 1986 .It also Mohamed Ali married Yolanda Williams its 4th and final épouse.Mohamed Ali had 9 children (7 girls and 2 son), born of its various mariages.Mohamed Ali died June 3, 2016 at the age of 74 years, after respiratory problems, and Parkinson's disease.
Cassius Clay was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky .It grew up in a black neighborhood of Louisville in Kentucky, the young Cassius Clay is a victim of bicycle theft. Upset he met a police officer to whom he expressed his intention to inflict punishment to the thief. The policeman, Joe Elsby Martin Sr., told him he'd better start by learning to box. The next day Cassius followed his advice and began taking boxing classes under the leadership of Martin. A few weeks later he played his first match and won his first victoire.Nommé boxer of 1963, Clay becomes almost natural opponent of Sonny Liston.On world champion nicknamed the Louisville LipThe ChampThe Greatest .Between the two games, he also became famous for reasons beyond the sports field: he joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name to Cassius X, X is referring to the rejection of his slave name in the absence of his real name of African origin, a common practice in this organisation26. Malcolm X was the only Muslim support before his first fight against Liston (Malcolm X has also witnessed the first fight) and then gets the name "Muhammad Ali" by Elijah Muhammad, leader of the movement. Finally, Ali publicly turned its back to Malcolm on a trip to Nigeria in 1964 and is managed by Herbert Muhammad, the son of Elijah.Ce own only after the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 he regret his actions. Ali left the Nation of Islam to convert to Sunni Islam in 1975.Il wife first the waitress Sonji King in 1964, they divorced after 1 year. Then he married Belinda Boyd, in 1967. His wife is also changing its name to Khalilah Ali, they divorced 10 years later. He allegedly had a long relationship with Barbara Mensah, and would have given him a girl who claims to be the 10th child of champion.En 1977 Veronica Porsche Ali married the actress, they divorced nine years later in 1986 .It also Mohamed Ali married Yolanda Williams its 4th and final épouse.Mohamed Ali had 9 children (7 girls and 2 son), born of its various mariages.Mohamed Ali died June 3, 2016 at the age of 74 years, after respiratory problems, and Parkinson's disease.