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je n'arrive pas a faire tout sa en anglais aidermoi merci bcp bcp bcp
Decrire un tueur, dire le mode operatoire, comment il tue ces victimes, combien il fait de victimes, pourquoi il les tuent, ou il les tuent, il faut aussi dire ce qu'en penssent le FBI ou en est l'enquete, ou est il acctuellement.. en anglais il faut parler au moin 2 minitues

Sagot :

J'ai fais sa si sa pe t'aider :)
This man is not a man like all the others, he is a serial killer. What he likes most is capturing "his prey" torture him but he does not kill them immediately. The day after the capture he has the habit of releasing his prey and having fun with it, he can reproduce that for a week, until the prey dies of exhaustion. The FBI has already resorted to more than one operation in order to suppress these murders, but it is much more complicated than that because man considers himself an animal, he adapts himself to everything so that he can escape or continue what Is a game for him