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Quelqu'un peut corriger mon oral de bac blanc svp?
Notion : Idea of progress
Problem : How are women considered since the beginning of the 20th century ?

Introduction :

I would like to give a definition of "idea of progress". The progress is a social evolution, technological or medical which knocks down the customs and the traditions.
We may wonder how are women considered since the beginning of the 20th century ?
First of all we shall see the role of the women at the beginning of 20th century, then in 60's
and finally nowadays.

I. Early of 20th century

According to the extract of the movie "suffragettes" seen in the class, women work in a laundry how physical, tiring and hard. They take care of children. They are housewives, they do the cleaning, the cooking.
The society think that they don't have education, so there are not allowed to take a decision. Women are lower and more influenceable in order to vote.
In 1912, frustrated and angry that the society forbid them rights which men acquired. They demonstrated for the right to vote and broke shop windows. These demonstrations have finishes by the arrest of the militants and their detention.
The acquired right to vote in 1918.

II. 60's-70's

Secondly, in 60's-70's women fight to get the right to the same salary for the same job. This movement called “Women Lib” which means liberation. They defend the freedom to have children when they decide.
In 1968, they acquired right to abortion, to the contraception and to the divorce

III. Nowadays

In 21th century, the mentalities evolved but there are still things to be improved. In developed countries, women are more equal and have same right in the working world that men. But, salaries are different.
In developing countries, Women have more access to the education than before. But, women can be considered as “things” and depend on their husband.
The girls in the world and in particular in the developing countries continue to be victims of disparities, exclusion, discriminations and abuse. Violence at the school, the excisions, the discriminations, the exploitation, the marriages and the premature pregnancies these disparities of right prevent them from going out of the poverty.
ONG as “Plan international UK” organize actions of sponsorings in developing countries, their aim is to improve the education.


To conclude, the women always fought to be equal to the man and will continue until a total equality.
In my opinion, this is normal they want equality with men because they are capable of making decisions.

Sagot :

I. Early of 20th Century
 "women worked in a laundry and in relation to their physics, they were tiring and hard working"
"so they are not allowed"
"had finished"
II. 60's-70's
"women fought to get"
"to the men"

j'ai trouver sa je sais pas si sa t'a aider :) bonne chance
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