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bonjour je dois rediger un cour texte sur le babysitting quel horraire je ferai payer combien ect.. pouvais vous maider merci

Sagot :


Legally, all declared work is paid at least at the minimum wage, or smic, fixed at 7.44 € net per hour. Even for occasional work, your employers are obliged to declare you. They are not forced to make a contract. The simplest solution is the universal service checks system (CESU), which is popular with employers for tax cuts. For you, this allows you to have a pay slip and contribute for retirement. You will have to report your income to taxes, unless you are still attached to your parents' tax home (usually up to 26 years of age). No worries, however, you must have reported at least three months of full-time salary at the smic (4,335 euros) to pay taxes.If you work more regularly (more than 8 hours per week for at least a month), your employer must offer you a contract, a fixed-term contract or a permanent contract.
You can work but regulations on minors work are stricter. You can not work more than 8 hours a day, or work between 10 pm and 6 am (and even between 8 pm and 6 am for those younger than 16). However, you have the same salary rights as the others. An employer can not pay you less because you are a minor. So, do not be fooled.
