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svp aider moi 19pts +3

il faut inventer une dream school ( une école de rêve)
avec :
. 2 permission
. 2 interdiction avec (bet forbitten to)
. 2 volition avec( want )
. 2 nécessiter avec (have to)
et 2 sugestion svp je suis nul en anglais merci beaucoup :)

Sagot :

my dream school I would like to have the right that I can choose the time to start my coursework and stop my coursework 
In my dream school we shouldn't have too many homework to do and shouldn't have too many tests per weeks 
I want to eat in the classrooom whenever i want . 
I want to use my phone for search everything that i don't understand .
we have to design our uniform and wearing it

bonne chance pour le rest
jsuis pas forte en l anglais mais j essayer de t aider quand meme


(je pense que pour la 2 c'et be forbidden to)

My dream school

Every afternoon, we can choose between music, sports, theater, a lot of activities which are not school subjects
Everyone is allowed to draw on the walls the first month so the school looks 
enjoyable and pleasant.
Of course bullying and fighting are absolutely forbidden.
It's also forbidden to smoke.
(volition ??)
I want to be able to ask anytime my teacher what I really don't understand.
I want to be able to bring my own lunch and have microwawe to heat it because I can't eat everythig
We have to be on time every morning.
We also have to do our homework 
It would be nice if we were allowed to use sometimes our cell phones to do some researches.
It might be a good thing to do more trips outside school.

bonne soirée :)

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