1) = c
a- the author means that when he enters in library, he feels excited with both terror and respect feelings .(l.2)
b- It's not only a personal point of view .
Even people who never enter libraries instinctively understand their symbolic power (l.6 &7)
a) Google has decided to digitise fifteen million books from five great libraries, including the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford.(l.10)
b) Some fear that this could finally destroy traditional libraries, which will become mere warehouse for the physical objects, empty of people and life(l.
12 à 14)
The advantages for researchers of a single scholarly online catalogue are incalculable (l.14).
The Internet has protected the written word as never before and rendered knowledge genuinely democratic.
This is one of the most important for the journalist : fanatics attack libraries first, dictators seek to control the literature, elites board the knowledge that is power. (l.23-->26).
The facts are proving (demonstrating) this :Shi Huangdi, a Chinese emperor from the third century BC ordered that all literature, history and philosophy written before the founding of his dynasty should be destroyed. More books were destroyed in the 20th century than any other- in Nazi Germany, in Bosnia and Afghanistan. (l.22-->31)
5) To keep their readers, libraries have to become more diverse. For instance, instead of being a quite austere and dark places, they could become a place of exchange on a specific subject or author once or twice a week. And aside, not to disturb the tranquility of readers, you could have a
coffee or tea corner with some pastries. It would allow people to meet, discuss together, make acquaintances.
6) According to the author ,if the printed word meant permanence and were the guardian of all democratic value, how is it that the country where in 1439,a goldsmith named Johanes Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press succumbed 500 years ago later to a totalitarian hell, in which books, and the knowledge of them were suppressed with a small number of bonfires ? (l.6-->10)
doc 2
No the author doesn't think that printed books will disappear.
Of course, from now on, we do have the choice. Take 3 kg of books in our suitcase for holidays or an e-book , for example.
A book is something you hold in your hands, you smell, you sometimes buy this book because of the cover. You might lend it to a friend, or prefer to keep it. Some are marking the page, some not because it's like a treasure. You take it from the shelf to read one or two chapters and replace it exactly on the same line.
Your books and you, it's a private story, and no one has to know about it
Et bien voilà
j'espère que ça t'ira