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Bonjour à tous,
Je suis en Première ES et j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide en anglais pour corriger ma rédaction svp.
C'est noté.
Merci par avance :)
Dear comrades, if we are here today it's to debate in order to give our personal point of view regarding the social networks. So that's why I'm going to rely on my own experience and the testimony of Julia, harassed on facebook years ago. At first, by creating a facebook account her goal was to be more respected by her friends, to show that she was up to date and especially to have friends because she thought that social network mean popularity. I was like her unconsciously. (She thought that by behaving like her comrades, wearing the same clothes, listening to the same style of music, she would be popular at last) because four years ago Julia wasn't a sociable girl, shut up to herself and who hadn't a lot of friends. However, her parents strongly opposed her signing up on facebook or twitter because for them they were good places to hatred, gratuitous wickedness and harassment ... My own father forbade me To go on social networks up to 13 years. At first, I was very angry with him because the parents of my friends were in agreement. (So ​​I had a secret account). So I did not see the evil and besides I wanted to assert myself. I had (got)poor marks, my behaviour changed. I was in the middle of my adolescent crisis probably lol. I soon realized that the hidden face of facebook was much worse.
Indeed, I saw everything I hated: hundreds of girls show off their perfect bodies, their makeup, false nails, shoes, clothes ... people showed their lives, what they did, eat, watch , buy. All was artificial., Moreover, everybody had no good intentions. Indeed, within 2 months, Julia confided to me that his photos were sharply and wickedly criticized: "fat cow, you are ugly, you are obese, you really have no taste, burn your clothes, You look disgusting ... make us happy, suicide you » the people whom they considered her new friends were the most virulent towards her
His case is not unique. Personally, I have never been criticized on social networks (thank God) but this is a n important subject which for me, the triggering factor was the suicide of Amanda Todd in Canada. I realized how people could be horrible and as a hyper sensitive girl I couldn't accept these devastating and unjustified comments. I think young people shouldn't forget that the pictures circulating on the net are ineffaceable and that pedophiles under pseudos can come into contact with them. If today I come to testify, it's not in order to denigrate social networks, but they must be used sparingly and not publish anything and everything. At 13 years old, we don't see the danger, we trust easily.

They also modify behaviors and impose norms and values ​​that are sometimes contrary to our principles but against which we don't want to oppose ourselves for fear of being has been. Of course, they seem secure and can teach us a lot of things, but we mustn't forget that everyone can easily have access to our personal information: photos, names, addresses, preferences, email ... and use them for personal purposes . Moreover, in recent years, cyber harassment are increasingly invading the young people, social networks. I was very shocked when I learned that 3 teenagers commit suicide per day no longer overcoming mockery, violent, unjustified and nasty persecution and being considered as a punchbag.

So, I boycott the networks for almost 4 years and honestly I feel really better. . Thus, I don't want cyber harassment to remain something hidden in the shadow described as marginal because today it is a scourge that victimizes thousands of young people. Also, on social networks there are no taboo. Indeed, alcohol, drugs, sex ... become commonplace. I would like that more severe laws against the harassment are voted to punish more heavily cyber harassers.

Sagot :

in order to give our personal point of view regarding social networks. (il n'y a pas de "the" à "social networks")

four years ago Julia wasn't a sociable girl, shut herself out and didn't have a lot of friends.

However, her parents were strongly against her signing up on facebook or twitter because for them they were places where hatred, gratuitous wickedness and harassment could be found... My own father forbade me To go on social networks up to when I was 13 years old. At first, I was very angry with him, I thought it was unfair because my friends' parents didn't have a problem whatsoever with their child being on social media

Everything was artificial

nobody had good intentions

Julia confided to me that her photos

You look disgusting ... make us happy, go kill yourself »

the people whom she considered her new friends were the most virulent towards her

Her (Julia's) case is not unique.

pictures circulating on the net are undeletable and that pedophiles under usernames and false identities can come into contact with them.

don't want to oppose ourselves for fear of being left out. (( exclu? ))

Moreover, in recent years, cyber harassment is on the increase for teens

 I was very shocked when I learned that 3 teenagers commit suicide every day, no longer standing the mockery, violence, unjustice and nasty persecution and being considered as a punchbag. 

So, I've boycotted the networks for almost 4 years and honestly I feel really better. .

Also, on social networks there is no taboo

 I would like more severe laws against harassment to be voted to punish (the increasing number of) cyberbullies.

Voilà ! C'était très bien ^^