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Texte :

Before the arrival of the first Europeans, the region of Chicago was occupied by the Amerindians Potawatomis. The name of the city would result from the word Miami-Illinois sikaakwa, later deformed by the French people in Chécagou or Checaguar. In the XVIIth century, strong Chécagou or strong Checaguar was a fortress. The site of Chicago was a part at first of the Country of the Illinois, in the French Louisiana. During the war for independence ( 1775-1783 ), colonel George Rogers Clark seizes of all of the Country of the Illinois in the name of the Virginia and transforms it into county of Illinois to exercise a theoretical government on the region. In 1795, by the treaty of Greenville, the Amerindians had to give up lands situated near the estuary of the river Chicago. Meanwhile, the region of future Chicago was integrated into the Territory of the Northwest (1787-1809), then into the Territory of the Illinois (1809), before being a member, since 1818, of the State of the Illinois. So, by treaties signed between the United States and Amerindians, the latter give up(sell) bigger lands to allow the foundation and the expansion of what will become the city of Chicago. So, begin the official foundation in 1833 of the city of Chicago, establishing(constituting) with a charter. Since then, Chicago was a mushroom town which grows(grows up) thanks to immigrants' influx from Europe, working for the expension of this city, in particular by the construction of skyscrapers; known later, the fastest population growth of the United States between 1870 and 1920 and an indutriel development between 1871 and 1895. The economy of Chicago is then prosperous, then most well-balanced of the United States because of its high level of diversification, and obtains the title of City of the year in 2008 for its recents architectural and literary innovations, it world of the politics, its renowned museums, its prestigious universities, and it city center which is for the foreground in several movies, despite of catastophics events and striking which(who) took place in Windy City (because of its political movements of time(period)) as the Big Fire in 1871 or the time(weather) of gangs and the Prohibition (in 1890-1935).

Sagot :


a mon avis, tu as commencé au past et tu devrais continuer:
colonel  George Rogers Clarck seized , transformed
So began
Since then Chicago has been a mushroom which grows up
Known later..........je comprends pas la phrase je devine je propose un truc mais c'est peut-être pas ça du tout.
Point à la fin de la phrase d' avant. Chicago has known , nevertheless, the  USA fastest population growth from 1870 till 1920 and an important development (ou the most important development ??) between X and X
The economy of Chicago has been then very prosperous, the most well-balanced.............and has obtained............in 2008. (la phrase à mon avis est trop longue). Its recent architectural (attention à tes pluriel).......(its partout, c'est le possesseur au pluriel = their)..........................its city centre. 
In several movies, this city centre has been used as a foreground for stories about the  Mafia and Al Capone  prohibition period (1870-1935). Other catastrophic events took place in Chicago as the Big Fire in 1871.

bon , j'avoue c'est un peu confus comme correction.  N'essaie pas de faire de trop longues phrases, c'est le meilleur moyen de se perdre

j'espère t'avoir un peu aider. N'hésites pas à m'envoyer un comment 

bonne soirée :)
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