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Sagot :



N° 1 
Do the words have an impact on me ? Yes, of course, they do. Even though this song was written in 2006 when George W Bush was president, it could speak for , maybe not all, but a great majority of presidents. It is a political song or  a universal  "protest song". It looks like more of a prayer, a complaint, a desperate need to be heard and it's so . Pink didn' t want this single to come out in the States, not to be accused of getting advantage of the situation and making money as an opportunity. It came out in Canada, in Europe  and in UK and became a real Protest song which will always remain actual nowadays and for a long time  unfortunately.
Written in 2006, we are in 2017.....where's the change ??? Will it happen ?
So, once more, how could these words could stop having an impact ??

Definitely, in my opinion, lyrics are much more importants
It all depends what kind of music you're listening to. If you just want to have fun and dance, you won't even try to understand the lyrics (which senseless, most of the time).
. But in that kind of songs, the music catches at once your emotions not long before the lyrics began to deliver its messages. They're not entertaining songs, they exist to deliver an opinion. They may become entertaining as "Bloody Sunday" of U2, but if you're listening to Bob Dylan song's, you have to understand what he is talking about.It's true s well for Sia (if you really find out what's hidden behind her lyrics), Amy Winehouse and many more .It always have a sense. So yes the lyrics are more or should be more important. Which with technology and the will of making as much money as possible, the DJ's fascination, has become a difficult thing to admit

3)  (question traître et difficile ...il va falloir que j'essaie d'être hypocrite..et je l'avais pas vu venir)................
The blogger :
Pink is so unsure about this song, that her single didn't come out in the States. This is the proof she doesn't know what she's talking about in our country. Her single might have "maybe" been successful in Canada, Europe or UK, but if she had been aware of what was going on in USA , she shouldn't have written it at all. She said she didn't want that song to come out in The States because she didn't want to make money on it. She 's made a lot of money on it anyway...what has she done with it ?? Has she helped homeless people ???
Mrs Pink , instead of criticizing, act before...

je viens de le faire d'un jet....je sais que mon ordi est entrain de partir en surchauffe et risque de s' éteindre. Dis moi ce que tu en penses. Je photocopierai et si ça ne va pas je pourrai me corriger et le refaire

je sais que les réponses sont longues mais c'est pour te donner un max d'idées et que tu puisses couper 

A plus :)
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