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Oral Anglais - Places and Forms of Power

Bonjour à tous, je passe mes oraux d'anglais prochainement et j'aurai aimé avoir un avis extérieur sur mon travail (méthodologie, fautes...). Merci d'avance

Today, I'm going to present you the notion "Places and Forms of Power". But first, I'm going to suggest a definition of this notion. Power is the influence of one person over another or a group of people. This power can be economical, political, diplomatic, cultural etc.… Nevertheless, the counter-power could refer to our notion too.
To illustrate this notion, I chose to present you three documents about Apartheid, a segregationist period set by the national party, which won the election in 1948, which lasted 41 years. During this period, white and coloured people were separated. Moreover, “Apartheid” means “separation” in Afrikaans.
My first document is entitled Chronology of the events in SA, the second is an audio document called Legacy of Apartheid, the third is the Nelson Mandela’s biography
In this presentation, first of all, I will talk about Apartheid and then I will try to understand how can we do to rebel against power. Finally, to conclude, I will try to answer to my problematic:
Does the power make it invincible?

But first, let’s talk about South Africa between 1948 and 1991. Until 1991, was set in South Africa a legal segregation of Blacks people in South Africa. During this sad and racist period, white people were considered as superiors and they wanted to control all the country. To success, they set a reign of terror, which included the establishment of racial laws and a lot of rules exclusive to black people. For example, they had a salary less important and they can’t travel across the country without authorisation. Finally, they were dependant of white people. Their lives were measly and they were forced to live in an unhealthy slum. Finally, if you opposed Apartheid, you were sent in jail as Nelson Mandela who passed 27 years in Robben Island, the politic opposite’s jail in South Africa during Apartheid.
Thus, we see that white people set up a dictatorship in South Africa, and if black people want this situation change, they have to rebel them against power.

Let’s see now how did they rebel against this oppressive power. Before Apartheid became legal, an organisation anti-racism name “ANC” been created in 1912 to fight Apartheid laws. ANC wanted freedom for everyone, and suggest to who wanted to demonstrating in the streets, but without violence, but the police’s repression is always very hard. Moreover, In 1976, policemen shot a 12 years old schoolboy Hector Pieterson in the street when he was demonstrating about the use of Afrikaans at school with 20000 others black schoolboys: Theses manifestations are called the “Soweto Uprising”. All theses manifestations helped to ensure that South-African government be sanctioned (embargo, disqualification of the Olympics…). Finally, in 1989, Frederik de Klerk is elected and in 1991, he abolished Apartheid.
Thus, we see that against an oppressive power, is very difficult to oppose without make some sacrifices (prison, dead…). By doing this, we allow to a help, which is superior to the power which oppress us, to act and help us.

To conclude, I think power don’t make us invincible, because there always will be a person or a organisation which is superior to us. This person or organisation, more powerful, may require us to make or stop something. But, which is the more powerful organisation in the world and what's the thing that can give us the most power?

Sagot :

Bonsoir - j'espère que ces reflections vous sont utiles...

Today, I'm going to present you the notion "Places and Forms of Power". But first, I'm going to suggest a definition of this notion. Power is the influence of one person over another or a group of people. This power can be economical, political, diplomatic, cultural etc.… and can even contain an element of counter-power.
To illustrate this notion, I have chosen three documents about Apartheid, a segregationist period set by the South African national party, which won the election in 1948, which lasted 41 years. During this period, white and coloured people were separated. “Apartheid” means “separation” in Afrikaans.
My first document is entitled Chronology of the events in SA, the second is an audio document called Legacy of Apartheid, and the third is the Nelson Mandela’s biography 
In this presentation, first of all I will talk about Apartheid and then I will look at ways that can rebel against autocratic power. Finally, to conclude, I will try to answer to my problematic:
Does power make you invincible? Does it corrupt?

But first, let’s talk about South Africa between 1948 and 1991. Until 1991, South Africa experienced a legal segregation of Black people. During this sad and racist period, white people were considered as superiors and they wanted to control all the country. To succeed, they set up a reign of terror, which included the establishment of racial laws and a lot of rules exclusive to black people. For example, Blacks got lower salaries and they couldn't travel across the country without authorisation. Finally, they were dependant on white people. Their lives were measly and they were forced to live in unhealthy slums. Finally, if you opposed Apartheid, you were sent to jail, as we see in the case of Nelson Mandela who passed 27 years in Robben Island, the political opponent’s jail in South Africa during Apartheid.
Thus, we see that white people set up a dictatorship in South Africa, and if black people wanted this situation to change, they had to rebel against that power.

Let’s see now how they did rebel against this oppressive power. In 1912, before Apartheid became legal, an anti-racist organisation named “ANC” was created to fight Apartheid laws. The ANC wanted freedom for everyone, and suggested demonstrating in the streets, but without violence. Unfortunately, the police’s repression was always very hard. In 1976, policemen shot a 12 year-old schoolboy called Hector Pieterson in the street when he was demonstrating against the use of Afrikaans at school with 20000 other black schoolboys: These manifestations have been called the “Soweto Uprising”, and helped to ensure international sanctions 
(embargo, disqualification of the Olympics…) against the South-African government. Finally, in 1989, Frederik de Klerk was elected, and in 1991 he abolished Apartheid.
Thus, we see that it is very difficult to oppose an oppressive power without make some sacrifices (prison, death…). By doing this, we allow something better and superior to the power which oppress us, to act and help us.

To conclude, I think power don’t make us invincible, because there always will be a person or a organisation which is superior to us. This person or organisation, more powerful, may require us to make or stop something. But, which is the more powerful organisation in the world and what's the thing that can give us the most power?
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