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Sagot :

Sujet 1 - 

Yes, I think Rosa Parks is a hero, she fought against discrimination in a non violent way. She stood up with courage the white people to defend black people's rights. What she did just made people react and this is how black people got the right to seat wherever then wanted in public buses. To me, She's a hero, because even though she's a women, she's got the strength that many men couldn't have. 
A Hero isn't only in comics strips, but also in real life, she's a hero, as well as I consider Martin Luther King, Mandela and Gandhi as heroes. They all fought for the civil rights, they devoted their lives to make life easier, to avoid wars, and also to get equality between people.
Rosa Park didn't have the power M.L.K. or Mandela had to make speeches, but she had the strength, which isn't given to everyone. She could probably got killed because of what she's done, but she didn't even care, she persisted to have what she wants, and this is what I call bravery.
To me, her action meant much more than words, and it's proved because there is no problem about this anymore, and black people are equal to white ones nowadays. The problem which is gonna follow this, is the Trump's election, we don't know what he'll do, but it's kind of scary because he's probably going to break what courageous people as the ones mentionned before made for the society.