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Bonjour, pourrriez vous corriger ma notion d'anglais pour l'oral du bac: Myths and Heroes. Merci ^^

Myths and heroes

I'm going to talk about the notion myths and heroes First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story of gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or tradition or a false notion . A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements, a superhero or perhaps a role model or icon. However they have a common point: they permit to have a model, an idea to keep behind. To what extent myths or heroes gather people?
I’m going to start talking about myths and heroes who have been a factor of social cohesion.

Since the appearance of the segregation in the USA, and the apartheid in South Africa, many events upset the life of blacks.
So, here is the text named « Arrest of Rosa Park » on wikipedia and also the adaptation in comic strip of this arrest. The article informs that Rosa Parks was one of the first people to actively challenged the American segregation laws. She symbolized the civil rights movement. Everyone hailed her courage and strength by her refusal to give her seat to a white man on an Alabama bus, in December 1955.The law required blacks passengers give their seat to white passengers. She was convicted of breaking the law and fined 10$. Her action sparked the most famous bus boycott. Simultaneous, legal challenges led to a Supreme Court decision that forced Montgomery to desegregate its bus system and quashed other discriminatory laws throughout the south of the USA. In 1999, the US Senate described Mrs Parks as a living icon for freedom in America"That's how, on a december evening in Montgomery Alabama, a woman became an american hero .
We also have Reverend Martin Luther King Junior, with his famous speech : « I have a dream » changed the vison of many americans, where he hopes that his child will not be juged in fonction of their skin color, MLK was awarded the Nobel Peace Price. His skillful language and dynamic persona became the new image of a movement dedicated to change and equality with paceful means. He organized pacefull protest marches against segregation, fought for Black right vote and mostly for any equality.   

In South Africa, black people were considered as second-class citizens. Apartheid in practice means « Separate and unequal ».
 I studied a document about Nelson Mandela entitled “Freedom for Mandela”. This document deals with Mandela’s life and his achievements. For me, Mandela is an icon and a model for everyone. He was a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and his great courage: he fought to be in an equal footing with the whites, he helped black people for their rights but his fight for the defense of blacks legal rights led him to jail. He was a hero for many people all over the world. He became president of South Africa. NM was the man who had reconciled a majority of blacks and whites in South Africa. He was a unionist and he decreased the racism war.
Finally, NM had very important roles in the history of South Africa and became a real hero even a myth at times thanks to all his achievements, his human qualities, and thanks to all his values which he gave to the world . He represents an ideal. RP ,NM and MLK are considered as heroes to many people, when whites were thought to be better than all other races, they decided it was time for change. So they fight peacefully against the Whites.

To conclude, Heros or Myths have a capacity to help people and to change the course of history. They do courageous things, they fight for something or they want to serve others. Indeed, a myth comes from a social or economic demand, and creates a social cohesion. Few persons have a capacity to change the mind of many people, to convey their ideas, their message. They represent a model, an ideal person which people can follow. So people are unified around a same hero.

Sagot :

"permit us"
" I have a dream;;  who change the vision..."
" with peaceful means"
Tu écrit souvent PACEFUL alors que c'est peaceful.
great courage" ça ne veut rien dire.. dis juste courage.
"it was time TO change"
 sinon c'est bien !