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Voila je passe ma notion d'anglais jeudi et je souhaiterais avoir une petite correction svp
merci d'avance

Today, I'm going to talk about the notion of power. To begin with, I would like to give a definition. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules, regulations and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter powers wich question it, aim at limiting it excesses and resist it.
In order to illustrate this notion, I've chosen to talk about ethnic minorities and attempt to answer the question:
How behave most of governments in front of ethnic minorities?
To answer this question I will present three documents.

The first document is an extract from a conference of AFP named "Stop stealing our land". It deals with the consequences of race Artic resources and the impact on Inuit life. Indeed, Arctic waters could hold 25% of the world's undicovered oil and gas. So nations bordering the Arctic Sea seized of this land which are to Inuits. Tall countries like USA, Russia or Canada have stolen lands of this minoritie. They were isolated, marginalised by their own wealth. The others nations enjoy to the weakness of thid community. The inuits have enough to be treated like it. Some countries bordering the Artic do not recognize the fundamental rights of indigenous werehas they pretend to be best nations and advocate the eguality for all even if they discrimined many communities.

Then the second document is a box which is a serie of informations concerning Native Americans in our time. It show Native is the smallest minority of USA (0.5% of american population) and most of them live in big cities, they're a young group but they suffer from poverty, unemployement so they die younger than the rest of population.
The second box tells us that when the Whites stole Native's land, they were left in reservations where they have more independance but they're a bit as herd in enclosure. We don't help them and they're excluded from society. Scant of them earn lot of money, the richest live to tourism or with casinos.. but most Natives Americans live as their ancestors used to do.

To finish, the last document is an article from a newspaper " The Independant" published in 2001. This document deals to scant signs of change. Indeed, the autor "nous rappelle" in first part to Natives live in bad conditions with an infant mortality rate, a lot of suicide and most of victims suffer to alcoholism, diabetes and obesity. Moreover, according the autor, this minoritie haven't running water and electricity at home. However, the writter learn us, in a second part, there are few (peux) changes as a new children's clinic, new healt and youth center, a market gardening... There is too a nex College providing a mix of vocational and degree level education.
Finally, in a third part, article tells about a man, M.BULL BEAR, who breeds buffalo in his free time. He's very succesfull and he has managed to double his castle. But Natives as M.BullBear are extremly "rare".

So for me, governments "ne s'ocupent pas assez" to minorities. Even worse they excluded them . SO according to me, migration of ethnic minorities are justifed.

Sagot :

salut pour la fin ça serait mieux de dire je pense, in my opinion au lieu de for me, et pour la fin tu peux dire finally ou to conclude par exemple
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