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bonsoir.. j'ai besoin d'aide a faire sa s'il vous plait

Bonsoir Jai Besoin Daide A Faire Sa Sil Vous Plait class=

Sagot :

Step 1: Go to a movie theater. 
Step 2: Take off your shirt.
Step 3: Cut off four hairs from your head.
Step 4: Fold the hairs into a ring.
Step 5: Ask, "Hokasocmoaspdapsom pasodmcpas"
Step 6: Say, "oops that was a hairball."
Step 7: If she/he has not run away, continue to step 8.
Step 8: Say, "will you marry me?"
Step 9: If no, scream "fire" in the building to scare everyone.
Step 10: If yes, take off your left sock and give it to her like a gift. 

 C'etait amusant.  ^ ^