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Bonsoir, Pouvez vous corriger mon devoirs SVP, Il s'agit d'un oral (orthographe ,syntaxe, ajouter des choses...) merci d'avance.

Hello! Today, i will introduce, you my facebook profile. I have a facebook profile since two thousand and ten. If you go checking my page, you could see. That I’m French and I live in Beynes, I’m sixteen years old and I look like a normal teenager, I have blond short hair and green eyes and I’m told. My principal qualities are the generosity and the respect but I’m a little shy. My activities are playing football, listening music and last going out with my friends. I have created my facebook account in order to talk xith my friends and get in touch of the news.
On the one hand, I like facebook because we can share everybody all around the world but not the other hand, I dislike because if you not pay attention, bad people, can usurp your identy. On my account, I have more than three hundred friends; I don’t know them all in real life because some of them are virtuals friends. During the next holliday’s, I will go to Ireland with my family so I think I will share pictures of my travel on Facebook.
First of all, I use facebook to send messenger to my friends. Then, I use it to share funny pictures or videos, If terwards, I can like photos of my friends and follow them and lastly, I use Facebook to meet new people. The positive impact of socials networks on my life is that I’m always informed of the news. But I spend a lot of time on social network instead off doing my homeworks so I must try yo not use them for a while if I want have good marks.

Sagot :


Hello ! 

Today I will talk about my Facebook profile.( I will introduce = plus pour une personne)
I have been created this profile since two thousand and ten.
If you visit my profile, then  you'll know (that) I'm a 16 years old French teenager, living in Beynes. I've got green eyes, short blond hair and I'm tall (pas told....!!!)
My main qualities are generosity and being respectful but I'm a bit shy too.
My activities are playing football, listening to music and last but not least, going out with my friends (pas last tout seul..  "last but not least "qui veut dire et "enfin et surtout" ou "dernière chose et non des moindres".en plus courant en Anglais, moins guindé que la traduc française et surtout très courant comme expression)
I created my Facebook account in order to keep in touch and talk with my friends and stay  informed of the news, what's going on in the world.
On one hand (pas the) I like Facebook because we can share with everybody all around the world, but on the other hand, I dislike it because if you don't pay attention, it's quite easy to usurp your identity,  it's unsafe and it's easy for wrong people to hurt you one way or another (c'est assez facile d'usurper votre identité, ce n'est pas sécurisé et c'est facile pour de mauvaises personnes de vous "blesser" d'une façon ou d'une autre).
On my account, I have more than three hundred friends. I don't know all of them in real life because some of them are virtual friends I've never met (que je n'ai jamais rencontrés).
During my next holidays (attention ton orthographe; pourquoi mettre un gérondif ?? et holidays =un seul L), I am going  (futur proche sur) to Ireland with my family so I think I'll have (là tu peux mettre I will have; c'est un futur pus lointain....) pictures of my trip  to share on Facebook.
First of all, I use Facebook to send messages (pas messengers) to my friends. I also use it to share  funny pictures or videos. Then I can like photos of my friends and follow them and finally , I can meet new people thank's to Facebook.
The positive impact of social networks on my life is to always stay informed of the news.
But, I must admit that I neglect doing my homework by spending too much time on it. So, I really have to be careful, not to use it as much, if I want to have good marks .

je viens de me relire très vite car je dois déco......
alors" tall" = grand / told preterit de tell (verbe irrégulier)
Facebook avec F majusucle
je sais plis quoi d'autres je voulais te dire...
Je te garantis pas un 20/20.....mais je pense avoir corrigé quelques fautes quand même.....

Bonne soirée :)