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Sagot :
Mix the eggs and the granulated sugar with the mixer until it bottoms. On one side melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
Put the butter and yoghurt in the melted chocolate and stir.
After putting the flour, cocoa, yeast, vanilla and salt in another container, mix slowly with a spatula.
Spread the butter and flour the container and mix everything.
Bake 45 minutes in the oven you have already set the temperature to 170 degrees.
After having taken it out of the oven and after resting, you can serve it with powdered sugar, with grated coconut or with a hot chocolate sauce.
Voilà mais je pense que dans la phrase spread the butter and flour the container and mix everything est faux
Put the butter and yoghurt in the melted chocolate and stir.
After putting the flour, cocoa, yeast, vanilla and salt in another container, mix slowly with a spatula.
Spread the butter and flour the container and mix everything.
Bake 45 minutes in the oven you have already set the temperature to 170 degrees.
After having taken it out of the oven and after resting, you can serve it with powdered sugar, with grated coconut or with a hot chocolate sauce.
Voilà mais je pense que dans la phrase spread the butter and flour the container and mix everything est faux
je te remets la liste des ingrédients que tu avais mis sur le précédent post (au cas où)
- eggs : 3
- granulated sugar: 1 cup
- butter : 125 g
- dark chocolate : 90 g
- skimmed milk /ou/ non-fat milk : 4 level tablespoons (level tablespoons = cuillères rases...(tu avais marqué "épaisseur"....)
- flour : 1 and a half (1.5..c'est ça une et demie ??) cup (sinon laisse 1.5)
- cocoa : 5 tablespoons
- salt : 1/4 tea spoon
- yeast : 1 pack
- vanilla sugar : 1 pack (j'ai rajouté sugar en pensant que c'était du sucre vanillé puisque c' est un paquet)
1- Mix the eggs with the granulated sugar in a blender till the mixture becomes homogeneous, almost white (....ça c'est moi qui rajoute.....en général quand on mélange bien les oeufs et le sucre , ça devient presque blanc...t'es pas obligée !!)
2- Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler (bain marie)
3- Add the butter and the yoghourt (c'est pas le non-fat milk ????) in the melted chocolate and stir vigorously ( ou - strongly)
4- In another bowl, add together the flour, the cocoa, the yeast and the vanilla
5- Pour slowly the melted chocolate in that bowl and mix with a spatula very gently
6- Preheat your oven up to 170°
6- Butter the mould (ou - Grease the mould with butter), flour it slightly and transfer your preparation ( mixture//mix) into it
7- Bake it in the preheated oven for 45 mn
8- Remove it from the oven and allow to cool
9- Then you may sprinkle it (saupoudrer) with powdered sugar , icing sugar (sucre en poudre ou sucre glace....j'étais pas te propose les 2) , with grated (ou- shredded) coconut or with a hot chocolate sauce.
Miamy !!!!! ça me donne faim !!!
j'espère que ça te conviendra (peut-être des fautes mais pas de Google traduc, juste une aide de dico, pour certains termes...)
bonne nuit :)
je te remets la liste des ingrédients que tu avais mis sur le précédent post (au cas où)
- eggs : 3
- granulated sugar: 1 cup
- butter : 125 g
- dark chocolate : 90 g
- skimmed milk /ou/ non-fat milk : 4 level tablespoons (level tablespoons = cuillères rases...(tu avais marqué "épaisseur"....)
- flour : 1 and a half (1.5..c'est ça une et demie ??) cup (sinon laisse 1.5)
- cocoa : 5 tablespoons
- salt : 1/4 tea spoon
- yeast : 1 pack
- vanilla sugar : 1 pack (j'ai rajouté sugar en pensant que c'était du sucre vanillé puisque c' est un paquet)
1- Mix the eggs with the granulated sugar in a blender till the mixture becomes homogeneous, almost white (....ça c'est moi qui rajoute.....en général quand on mélange bien les oeufs et le sucre , ça devient presque blanc...t'es pas obligée !!)
2- Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler (bain marie)
3- Add the butter and the yoghourt (c'est pas le non-fat milk ????) in the melted chocolate and stir vigorously ( ou - strongly)
4- In another bowl, add together the flour, the cocoa, the yeast and the vanilla
5- Pour slowly the melted chocolate in that bowl and mix with a spatula very gently
6- Preheat your oven up to 170°
6- Butter the mould (ou - Grease the mould with butter), flour it slightly and transfer your preparation ( mixture//mix) into it
7- Bake it in the preheated oven for 45 mn
8- Remove it from the oven and allow to cool
9- Then you may sprinkle it (saupoudrer) with powdered sugar , icing sugar (sucre en poudre ou sucre glace....j'étais pas te propose les 2) , with grated (ou- shredded) coconut or with a hot chocolate sauce.
Miamy !!!!! ça me donne faim !!!
j'espère que ça te conviendra (peut-être des fautes mais pas de Google traduc, juste une aide de dico, pour certains termes...)
bonne nuit :)
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