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Bonjour! J'ai besoin d'aide pour corriger mon oral d'anglais... le voici :

"Hello. My first name is Lisa. My other names are Lydie and Géraldine. My name is Serpolet. The serpolet is also a plant with purple flowers. Is also a company but it’s my name.
In my family, there are my mother, Nathalie. She has forty eight years old. My father Gérald had fifty two years old. My sister is called Charlotte and she has seventeen years old. She goes at the Highschool of the park at Lyon in september in preparatory class. My brother is called Mathieu. He has thirty one years old and my steap sister Olivia has thirty two years old. Their children therefore my nephew are called Timeo and Kelyan. Timeo has ten months and Kelyan has eleven years old. My godmother is called Françoise and my godfather is called Jean François but he is unknow. I have three dogs. Their names are Hortense Hedwige and Clovis. They are like my babies, I love them very much.
I have a brown hair. I have a wavy hair. I have a brown eyes. Today, I have a blue short pants and a tshirt pink, black and white. My shoes are red. I have a turquoise necklace.
Except the school, I play a cello. My teachers are called Valérie, Hugo and Janick. I play also a piano but I don’t take a lesson.
During my free time, I walk and talk with my dogs. I do a fast sport with obstacles. I play cello or I take my homeworks. I never watch TV but of times I’m on my tablet or my phone.
My best friend is called Lise. We know each other since the CM2. Unfortunately she doesn’t stay at Luzy the next years. My best friends in boy is called Mickaël. We know each other since of the nursery school. Next years we will be in the same class."

Sagot :



My first names are Lisa, Lydie and Géraldine and my surname Serpolet. Of course, everyone only calls me Lisa ! The others names are written on official papers as passports, identity card....That's the way it is in our country. You're always given several first names after the one always used. 
By the way, my surname Serpolet is also the name of an aromatic and medicinal plant with purple flowers looking like thyme.
I have got brown wavy hair and brown eyes.
My parents are called Nathalie and Gérard. My mum is forty-eight years old and my  dad, fifty-two. 
I have a sister called Charlotte, and a brother, Mathieu.
Charlotte is seventeen (t'es pas obligée de mettre à chaque fois " years old").
She is studying in high school (of the park at Lyon ??????met moi en comment, je comprends pas......) In September (remets moi tout pour ta soeur....trop flou..Dis ce qu'elle termine comme études et ce qu'elle va faire à la rentrée en comment....et je te traduis).
Mathieu is older; he is thirty-one and his wife, Olivia, my sister-in-law (belle soeur...step sister = demi-soeur), is thirty-two years old. They have two children, therefore my nephews, called Timeo and Kelyan.
Kelyan is the oldest, he is eleven and Timeo is till a baby of ten months.
My brother's stepmother is called Françoise and her husband, Jean-François (but he is unknown ??????il est mort...ils sont divorcés????tu veux dire quoi ..c'est flou...trop .....).
And last but not least, I couldn't forget my three dogs : Hortense, Edwige, and Clovis. To me, they are as my babies !! I love them so much !

Today, I am wearing blue short pants (pas "a" devant puisque pants se met au pluriel) and  a pink, black and white T-shirt with red shoes.
I also wear a jewel, a turquoise necklace.
I learn how to play  the cello with Valérie, Hugo and Janick, my teachers.
I also play the piano but I don't take any lessons.
During my free time, I usually walk my dogs and do somme sports (là non plus j'ai pas tout compris : "I do a fast sport with obstacles ?????") .
I never watch TV but I sometimes spend time on mys tablet or my cell phone.

My best friend is called Lise. We have met when we were in CM2. (j'ai changé our pas répéter avec Mickaël).Unfortunately, she isn't going to stay in Luzy (???c'est là où tu habites ???), she is going to move (déménager). Michaël is my other best friend. We know each other since nursery school. Next year, we'll be in the same classroom.

tout ça, c'est d'après ce que j'ai compris de ton texte
n'oublie pas : I am 16 years ol, donc she is, he is, they are  xx years old (pas "have")
step mother = belle mère...je pense qu'en voulant dire "my god mother, tu as voulu parler de la belle mère de ton frère....???? et tu ne peux pas dire pour le step father J.François : he is unknown ...ils ont divorcé et tu le connais pas ou autre chose....ou rien !!!!!

bon c'est un début de correction...
Si tu rajoutes en comment ce qui manque, on rajoutera au fur et à mesure.
Mais sois bien précise , stp !!!!

en espérant t'avoir fait avancer un peu...
A tout à l'heure peut-être :)
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