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je veux une autoubiographie de < Mohamed Choukri> en anglais

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Moroccan writer Arabic-speaking person (1935-2003) who lived in Tangier, a city which occupies a great place in his writings Mohamed Choukri was born in 1935 in Beni Chiker, in Rif. Misery pushes its family to emigrate towards Tangier in 1942, then towards Tétouan and Oran. It then turns over to only settle in Tangier. Its mother tongue is the Berber one (Riffian). He learns how to read and write Arabic only at age the 20 years. He becomes teacher, then professor, after having been raises Teacher training school and puts himself at the writing. He is discovered, published and translates thanks to Paul Bowles. Its first news appears in 1966, it collaborates then regularly in Arab, American and English reviews literary. At the same time, he attended also Jean Genet and Tennessee Williams. It is the first shutter of its biography naked Bread, translated into English by Paul Bowles who makes known it initially in the Anglo-Saxon world, then in France thanks to the translation (in 1980) of Tahar Ben Jelloun of this work become a deliver-worship. Because of the censure, this book will appear in Morocco only in… 2000. It obtained the price of the friendship free-Arabic in 1995. Mohamed Choukri died in the hospital of Reduction on November 15th, 2003 of the continuation of a cancer. “At the origin of “the adventure” of Mohamed Choukri, three challenges are (to learn how to read and write, leave this crushed class and finally to sublimate its life through the writing), much of readings of the great names of the literature of this century and the frequentation of writers such Jean Genet the spiritual father of which he inherited the fury the transgression, Paul Bowles, Tennesse Williams… Choukri wanted to be part, since the beginning of the family of the world literature. “I realized that the writing could also prove to be a manner of denouncing, to protest against those which me had stolen my childhood, my adolescence and part of my youth. It is at this time only that my writing became committed”. And since the bread of people is politicized, to write to speak about it could only be one “politicized” commitment. According to the writer, “the writing is a power which is not extravagant”. The writings of Choukri were worth to him the aggravation of the conservatives in several Arab countries where its novel was prohibited and estimates it young Morrocans and Western readers. “There exists, in the Moroccan company, a more preserving faction. They are these people who consider my works perverse. In my books there is nothing against the mode. I do not speak about policy nor of religion. But, which aggravates the conservatives, it is to note that I criticize my father. The father is crowned in the company arabo-Muslim”. ” (extracted from an article of Abderrahmane Amzelloug, the Morning of the Sahara, November 11th, 1999). “Never it did not adapt to the life. It cultivated its aspect of writer wandering and wild. Continued by the phantoms of a childhood marked by brutality, the lack of all and by death, it took refuge in the reading of the classics and the writing. It never lined up, following in that the example of Jean Genet, whom it had known in Tangier in the years 1960 and whom it aggravated. Broom did not like to be taken for an idol. “Prevented, Mohamed Choukri was made dizzy to survive in the margin, misusing the tobacco and of alcohol, continued to write its life bluntly by naming the things. It was a character without family, without fastener but surrounded by friends. He had humour, lately told me to be stronger than the evil which corroded it and added while laughing and without believing in it that “all that it is your fault, you should never have left me my hole! “It was our way of laughing together. A disturbing character who will miss with the Arab letters.” “(testimony of Tahar Ben Jelloun collected by Patrick Kéchichian, Le Monde, November 18th, 2003)

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