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Hello guys please help me
Describe someone
Paragraph 1 : name relation and where and howa you meet
Paragraph 2 : describe the person’s physical appearance age face hair build
Paragraph 3 : talk about the person personal talents and how she behaves
Paragraph 4 : talk about the person’a hobbies and interests
Paragraph 5 : make general comments or feelings about the person

Sagot :

Coucou je veux bien te donner quelque éléments de réponse ;)
1.) Me and (un nom) are friend, we met in a park when I go to play football with my friend (or walk with my dog, tu mets ce que tu veux :')). It was a saturday at six o'clock
2.)If it's a girl you can say: She have a long brown hair, greens eyes... she is tall and slim she wear a blue jean and a red t-shirt (tu peux mettre autre chose, n'importe) she looks like an athlete, ect... après pour un garçon tu modifies des trucs
3.)It's a positive person, she/he smile all the time and we laught together, she is dynamic and smart. She is a really good singer, she sing all the time the old song. It's a pleasure to listen her/he. 
4.) She love dancing and go to the cinema with her friends to see horror moovie, ect...
5.) When i'm with this person I feel good and relaxe. It's a really good friend.
Voila après il y a des tonnes de possibilité mais tu a sau moins quelque structure de phrases :)