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J'ai une notion à préparer pour le bac d'anglais sur le rêve américain, prohibition, les gangsters.... J'ai trouvé une problématique, un plan mais je n'arrive pas a formuler mes parties. Pouvez-vous m'aidez svp

Voici ce que j'ai déja écrit!

I’m going to talk about the notion « Miths and heroes » fisrtly it seems important to me to define the terms of myth and heroes. A hero is a person who helps people, who saves people's lives, someone who has a will, who is courageous and who gives almost all his energy to others. While a myth is a story that tells important facts and is passed on from generation to generation.
I decided to talk about the theme of the heroes.
We can wonder " Is the gangsters achieve the American dream ? "
First i will present that gangsters achieve the American dream seeing how they do, and what are the limits. Then in a second time we will see that it does not quite achieve the American dream.
I) The gangsters achieve the American dream
We will move to the first part to the gangster who have achieved the American dream. The gangster achieved the American dream thanks to a Prohibition with the 18 amendment of 1920

Sagot :

d'apres ce que je vois tu l'as deja fais mais je ne sais pas ce que veut dire problematique