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Bonjour j’ai un exposé à faire sur le premier d’hiver de thankgiving raconter (raconter juste le 1er hiver pas l’histoire de thankgiving) je doit faire environ 5phrases ,svppp quelqu’un pourrait m’aider

Sagot :

The turkey has become the symbolic and central dish of the traditional meal. It is also the most authentic dish of the first Plymouth Pilgrims Thanksgiving meal. In America, Native Americans knew wild turkey and hunted it for its meat. In Europe, the turkey had been introduced by the Conquistadors who had brought it back from South America and introduced on the old container to be domesticated.
Nowadays, the Thanksgiving meal usually includes the following dishes: roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, beans, roasted vegetables, sweet potatoes, salad, pumpkin pie, pie with pecans, apple pie ...
The Thanksgiving meal is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. For the record, it was during the American Civil War, in 1863, that Lincoln saw the appropriate moment to make it a national celebration, to reunite all the American people around an official celebration common to all American homes. . He sets the date on the fourth Thursday of November.
Americans have many reasons to hold on to Thanksgiving
For many, it is THE family moment where families scattered throughout the country meet for four consecutive days. It is an impressive crossroads of Americans on the roads and at airports. The meal, taken sitting and in common, has generally been prepared for several, the table is decorated, often with the help of children.