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Bonsoir je veux votre aide demain dans la séance de anglais on a une discutions à propos de l'Adolescence et je veux votre aide. tout les informations sur l'Adolescence et merci beaucoup pour votre réponse

Sagot :

Adolescence (from adolescent Latin: 'to grow up') is a phase of human physical and mental development that occurs during the period of puberty to adulthood.

stages: adrenarche (maturation of the adrenal glands) and gonadarche a few years later (maturation of the sex glands).

A major stage of puberty for men is the semenarche: the first ejaculation, which occurs, on average, around 13 years. For women, it is the menarche: the onset of menstruation, which occurs, on average, between 12 and 13 years. However, the physical and hormonal changes begin before this event, around the age of 8 when the adrenal glands produce higher androgenic hormone levels and development then continues gradually.

Thus, the girl's breasts are at stage 3 of Tanner's scale when the first rules are observed. Tanner's scale describes the physical changes in secondary sexual characteristics that occur during puberty and are described by Tanner's five stages named after British pediatrician James Tanner who developed the categorization system.

The primary sexual characteristics are those that are directly related to the organs of the reproductive system.

Changes in secondary sexual characteristics include all changes that are not directly related to sexual reproduction. In boys, these changes involve pubic hair, hair on the face and body, voice changes, roughness of the skin around the upper arms and thighs, and increased sweat glands. In women, secondary sexual changes are breast development, widening of the hips, development of pubic hair and armpits.

The boy and the girl can know the acne, which corresponds to the secretion of sebum by the body, following the hormonal processes.

Hormonal changes may also partly explain the increased emotions and mood changes of adolescents, such as distress, hostility, or symptoms of depression that increase as puberty progresses