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Bac d'anglais ! Bonsoir si vous voulez bien me donner un vis sur mon texte tout en corrigeant mes erreurs cela me rendrait un grand service;
The progress its believing that the world can change and be better in terms of arts, sciences, technology, liberty and quality of life. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order with traditions to a new order . But still the issue is debated among conscientious people whether progress is a blessing or a curse for humanity. There are many kinds of progress so let us discuss about the technological with the social. I will tackle this theme throughout are new technologies isolating people or reinforcing their links? I / New technologies allow us to stay in touch in a way that has never been possible before II / but they can also isolate people. To illustrate this notion I’ll choose document based on different sides of the technological progress.
Betweens family’s member’s .Family is very precious for me and in class we saw some innovations that permitted to reinforcing the links with them. We can take a look at the document about the « senior citizen blogger ». Thanks to the computers some seniors can experiment the fact of having a blog. We know that with the creation of the blogs the seniors will be more focused on the internet’s world. And I can supposed that in their family they will be more closed with their grandchildren’s because it’s another point of common that they could have ! I can imagine them instead of play « bingo, needled point » sitting front of their computers dealing with their grandchilds.
But there is some families where the people don’t know their grandfathers (ex) and this can being a failures for them. But now with some machines, internet even blogs they can find quickly , easily one member of they family. Like in the text « how genealogy works ». We can, see that they detailled the positive aspect of internet in this researches that can change the links in many families and renforcing because they will not have the feeling of a lack.
With the world too Youtube !! listening music from different countries and different styles can permite to being more open minded. But in youtube not just music’s videos can do this jobs I take the example of the khan academy whcich proposed watching videos for learning subjects about the art, maths etc with only the voice and diagrams. So the etudiants can see many ways of teaching lessons and speak with others etudiants in the comments like in some blogs too. So this can renforcing the links with the people around the world the links of helping each other’s.
When we are with ur phones communicating with someone, nothing else matters. We completely forget the exterior .And I think that it’s not a good attitude because in repetition it seems weird. Like in the text « when technology fails » extract of …., we can noticed that when the electricity stopped working the little boy didn’t know how to spend his time he seems bored. Which for my point of view its ridiculous because he can spend time talking with his dad. But maybe it’s someone who’s dependent like some seniors. Because when you begin to do something in the internet it’s very hard to stop it according to …. ..and in the audio « internet addiction » when …explain that he’s addicted to the video games, he can spend a half of his day playing it.
Thats why some industries were created to help this people who are isolating in their « cavern » like the …..(Citer). Because this addictions can be has strenght a nightmare routine. As we can see in the series black mirror which is the anticipation of our future for the addicted person. In the extract there is a weird and tired person who’s life turning around the technologies. No real things, ex fake instruments no social interaction no kitchens. He was in a freaky virtual life!
As an teenager i’d like to use my phone , computers , youtube etc because it can help me when I’m bored or when I have some difficult homeworks . But I am totally agree with the fact that sometimes people let’s the technologies control themself and their life as their depended on it . I think that if they take the time spending on their phones to go out they can meet fantastic persons maybe it’s an example … but Iam, sure that this could be more benefit for them and their relationships!
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