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Bonsoir, voici mon texte, je vous demande de m’en corriger et me dire si le texte est « bien » ou pas s’il vous plaît merciiii d’avance.

Consigne: aider moi à améliorer mon exposé à présenter à l’oral, voici donc : A partir des étudies sur des documents sur la ségrégation raciale aux Etats-Unis, et j’aimerai qu’vous vérifiez l’introduction/ Plan/Problématique/Développement et la conclusion.

For several centuries, the blocks have been considered as being a race “inferior” to the White. After the slavery and the very present racial segregation in the south of the United States, opens a new period of demonstration, boycott and dissatifacion to obtain the between the colored persons and the white.

We shall see throughout the studied documents, the blocks to obtain their rights and their equality.

At first, I am going to work to evolie the crisis of little rock, then secondly, I am going to speak about a pacifist measurement to fight against the racial segregation.

According to the document little rock, even after the abolition of the segregation, the blocks and the whites who schools sepaated. The Blocks did not thus him the right to study in schools « farmily » reserved in a white. In spite of the fact that since 1954, the racial segregation is forbidden in the school and that this Baw is not still applying in all the states because in 1957, a group of nine black children simply wanted to study in the high school of little rock to shine in their student’s career but unfortunately, we prevented them. But muer the nine students abandoned and moved back on contrary hey were very bracing in spite of the racists, death threats, mocks and insults they fought pacefistly. Nome of this nine pupils knew that their deed of heroism and bravery led to a major step forward towards « the equality between the whites and blacks.

Following it , according to Ne York aricles published in september, 24th of 1957, governor Orval Faubius orders the national police to prevent the black students from reaching the establishment. As a result of this a hostil crowd and violent racist demonstrations advocating the segregation wich rages during approximately three weeks.

Furthermore, one of these nine student Melba Patillo Beals wrote in her diary that a policeman walked on his feet, threatened it and gave him a blow but she remained peaceful and asered « thank you ».

After the crisis of Little Rock, the blacks of the south adopted a way of protest not violent called « sit-in » to take issue against the racial segregation.

It is a kind of demonstration the purpose of which is to stay generally inseated position. It is the method which allow to question to the public opinion in a situation of injustice.

« Sin-in » allowed to fight peacefully against the racial segregation and for other types of disrimination such as Jim Crow Laws.

Jim Crow Law is the nickname of a lot of laws passed in the south America between 1876 and 1964 ; These laws foresaw the physical separation of black people from white people in buses, beaches, bookshops and heights of the other places still.

To conclude, I would put all these movements in myths and hero beacause the nine students of little rock are very brave in the face of the violence and the harassment. Personnaly I don't know how i ould have made for their place.

The Afro American, have suffered a lot in front of injusties established by the whites and it whithout reason. On the contrary they fought without anay violence. On the contrary they fought bravery with patience and pacifism.

Merciii beaucoup

Sagot :

pour l'instant je ne voit pas de faute mais n'oublie pas le w de " New York " ;)

Je ne comprends pas :"but muer the nine students abandoned and moved back on co trary hey"
Tu voulais dire quoi ? (dit le en francais svp)

New York articles*

Sinon c'est vrai super mais juste quelque lettre du clavier qui a beuger je pense, mais la phrase que j'ai citer je peux la corriger mais si tu peux la dire en francais ca serait sympas meeci