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Bonsoir, je dois répondre a plusieurs questions sur ce texte et une me paraît vraiment difficile. Pourriez vous m'aider svp?
Draw the narrator's portrait.

Voici le texte maintenant:
My mother called me one day into a side room and told me to be prepared to be inspected by a prospective bridegroom. They had a shock at home when I told my people that I’d not allow anyone to inspect me as a bride and that I’d rather do the inspection of the groom! They felt outraged and my father’s younger brother, my father being too angry to speak to me, took me aside and said:

“Don’t be mad! Don’t you know that it’s not done?”

I replied: “If it is not done, it’s better that someone starts doing it now.”

“What’s the matter with you, my dear, why do you want to spoil1 your chance of settling down in life?”

I had to explain that that was not my aim in life. I had other aims. I said I would like to work, rather than be a wife. [. . .]

I was finally persuaded. I was particularly fond of that uncle and could not brush him aside. I decided to go through the ceremony of being viewed and assessed. I had made up my mind that I’d hate the young fellow and discourage him publicly. They decked me in all the jewellery pieces borrowed from my sister—in-law in the house, diamonds and gold all over my ears, neck, nose, and wrist, and clad me in a heavy sari crackling with gold lace. I felt suffocated with all that stuff over me. I felt sick and felt that I was losing my identity. But I bore it all patiently as they fitted me out in the side room, and stood around and exclaimed at how well I looked, and the children gaped and cheered and joked. I hated the whole scene. I was seized with a feeling that I was in a wrong world, and that I was a stranger in their midst. I saw my mother’s face beaming with satisfaction and I was irritated at her simplicity. Although I Was only thirteen, I had my own notions of what was good for me and what I should do in life. Although they admired me, I dreaded to look into the mirror myself. And then they seated me like a doll, and I had to wait for the arrival of the eminent personage with his parents. What a fuss they made when they arrived. It’s hard to get a bridegroom, and when one is available parents treat him as a hard-won prize.

Sagot :

Si tu voulais résumer brièvement le texte voilà :
la mère appela sa fille ( 13 ans ) et la prévenue qu'elle serait inspecter par une futur mariée mais la fille répondit qu'elle préférait elle même inspecter le marié. sa mère choquée répondit qu'elle allait louper une chance de s'installer dans la vie.mais la fille répondit que son but dans la vie était de travailler.Mais comme elle aimait son oncle elle décida de quand même se faire inspecter et de degouter le marié. ils la veturent de pleins de bijoux de sa belle sœur et un tas d'autre bijoux. La fille ayant l'impression de perdre son identitée décida de supporter quand même.Dans la salle les enfants baillaient et le visage de sa mère rayonnait. À la fin ils l'assirent comme une poupée et ses parents la prirent pour un prix gagné.
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